Professor Stuart Green

- Professor of Construction Management
- Chair, University of Reading Environment and Sustainability Committee
- Module Convenor for Principles of Project Management.
Building location
Chancellors' BuildingAreas of interest
Construction sector policy
Construction procurement
Project organizing
Identity work in projects
Value creation through projects
Postgraduate supervision
Kashif Aziz - The contested nature of professionalism in the built environment: performative narratives and anecdotal stories
Nick Hollely – Re-conceptualising strategic briefing: A strategy-as-practice perspective
Beibei Qin – Change and continuity: Making sense of marketisation in the Chinese construction sector
Rowland Ward – Recovering head office overheads and profit (OHP) in construction claims: An interdisciplinary study.
Dilek Duman Ulutas - Strategy as identity work: creating the heroes of Turkish international contracting
Natalya Sergeeva - Narratives of innovation in the UK construction sector: A sensemaking perspective
Kate Ness – Constructing craft identities: Discourses of skill and identity in the building trades.
Ahmad Alkizim - Robustness in value engineering,
Chung-Chin Kao - The briefing process: an organisational knowledge-creation perspective
Leyon Nanayakkara - The motivation of masons in the Sri Lankan construction industry
CEM201 - Introduction to project management (MSc)
REMF51 Understanding construction: Procurement and project delivery (MSc)
CEM302 Strategic Management (MSc)
Contributing to:
CE3CHS - Health and Safety Management and Culture (UG)
CEM209 - Managing Construction (MSc)
CEM10A - Research Skills (MSc)
CEM10/18/19B - Dissertation Supervision (MSc)
CE3CCD - Dissertation Supervision (UG)
Research centres and groups
University of Reading Organisations, People & Technology Research GroupResearch projects
2007–2011 Innovative Construction Research Centre (renewal). Consolidated grant for innovative manufacturing research centre from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). EPSRC contribution to Reading – £3,731,533 (FEC). Principal Investigator: Professor Stuart Green.
2002–2007 Innovative Construction Research Centre. Consolidated grant for innovative manufacturing research centre from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). EPSRC award value £2.5M (including legacy projects; new money value £1,958,985.) Principal Investigator: Dr Stuart Green.
2005–2008 Sustained Competitiveness in the UK Construction Sector: A Fresh Perspective. EPSRC award value £237,445. Principal Investigator: Professor Stuart Green.
2005–2008 Grand Challenge – Immortal Information and Through-life Knowledge Management (IITLKM): Strategies and Tools for the Emerging Product-Service Paradigm. EPSRC award value £519,808. Principal Reading Investigator: Professor Stuart Green.
2001–2003 The Human Resource Management Implications of Lean Construction. EPSRC Innovative Manufacturing Initiative (IMI). Collaborative project involving sixteen industrial partners EPSRC award value £118,577. Principal Investigator: Dr Stuart Green
2000–2002 Knowledge Transfer Between Aerospace and Construction. Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) Innovative Manufacturing Initiative (IMI) – Learning Across Business Sectors. EPSRC award value £183,550. Principal Investigator: Dr Stuart Green.
2000–2001 Managing Value, Risk, Opportunity and Uncertainty in Construction (in association with Gardiner & Theobald) Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) - £30,000 (Reading share, £5,000). Lead contractor: Gardiner & Theobald.
1999–2001 Construction Process Control Through Group Decision Support. Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC). Innovative Manufacturing Initiative (IMI). Collaborative project involving five industrial partners. EPSRC award value £82,683. Principal Investigator: Dr Stuart Green.
1995–1997 Group Decision Support for Value Management, Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) – £56,000. Principal Investigator: Dr Stuart Green.
1994–1996 Value Management in UK Practice (in association with Davis Langdon Consultancy), Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) – £61,100 (Reading share, £25,000). Lead contractor: Davis Langdon Consultancy.
1992–1993 An Implementation Strategy for Value Management. The development of value management procedures during concept design and detailed feasibility, BAA plc – £20,000.
1988–1990 A SMART Methodology for Value Management Funded by Chartered Institute of Building QE II Silver Scholarship Award – £2,200.
Research interests focus on construction sector policy; how it is formulated, and how it is enacted. Especially the extent to which contemporary practice is shaped by the unintended consequences of previous policy initiatives. Taking the long-term view. Stubbornly cautious about modern methods of construction. Also interested in projects, project organizing, and associated aspects of identity work. Listed by the Elsevier/Stanford 'science-wide author database of standardized citation indicators' (August 2021) as being in the top 1.5% of global scholars in my discipline.
Publications include the 2011 book 'Making Sense of Construction Improvement' (Wiley/Blackwell). Recent research outputs draw from sensemaking and narrative methods. Direct research income as principal investigator in excess of £7.5 million, primarily from the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). UK policy experience includes: Commission for a Sustainable London 2012 (2007-2013); Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) (the 'English Committee') (2015-2018); Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Building's (CIOB) Innovation and Research (I&R) Panel (2011-2016); EPSRC Manufacturing Advisory Group (2010-2011); EPSRC Peer Review College (2000 - date).
International research policy experience includes the Built Environment Innovations Panel for the Finnish Strategic Centres for Science (SHOK) on behalf of the Academy of Finland (2012) and the Built Environment Panel of the Hong Kong Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) (2014). Currently a guest professor at Chongqing University in China and previously a visiting professor at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Continues to be actively involved in consultancy with industry both in the UK and internationally.
Academic qualifications
PhD 1996 (University of Reading, UK)
MSc 1986 (Heriot-Watt University, Construction Management)
BSc (Hons) 1979 (University of Birmingham Civil Engineering)
Professional bodies/affiliations
- Chartered Engineer (CEng)
- Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers (MICE)
- Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Building (FCIOB)
- Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS)