The project aims to illustrate the most recent academic findings on the inner workings of our brain, showcase through active experience how researchers go about making those findings, and explain how cutting-edge technology and brain research can be used for improving health conditions.

death to hanging

solar stormwatch
Led by Dr Luke Barnard and Professor Chris Scott in the Department of Meteorology, its key components are citizen science, open research and worldwide public engagement.
In 2006, NASA launched the twin STEREO spacecraft. With cameras taking images of the sun’s surface, atmosphere and solar winds, the spacecraft were soon producing a huge volume of data that was challenging for scientists to analyse in detail and in a timely manner. Solar Stormwatch plugged the gap, developing web-based, real-time activities enabling the public to record storms and work with scientists. Space weather, a natural hazard listed in the government’s national risk register, is now better understood, and the project has generated a number of peer-reviewed publications. Worldwide, more than 16,000 people participate in Solar Stormwatch from 94 countries. The project is ongoing. It has led to a collaboration between the university and the Space Weather Prediction Center in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the US, and the creation of new activities to answer new research questions established in this fastmoving, dynamic area of research.
The project aims to raise awareness in Japan that the public are kept in the dark about the death penalty and promote debate about its continuing existence, and, on a wider level, to provide abolitionist organisations with tools to mobilise public campaigns against the death penalty.
Solar Stormwatch highlights the value of citizen science and the value in open research practices. The project has resulted in a paradigm shift in our understanding of how to physically model solar storms, with the public and scientists alike combining to push the science forward more quickly.
Subjects A-B
Subjects C-E
Subjects F-G
Subjects H-M
Subjects N-T
Subjects U-Z
Subjects A-C
- Accounting
- Agriculture
- Ancient History
- Archaeology
- Architecture
- Art
- Biological Sciences
- Biomedical Sciences
- Business (Post-Experience)
- Business and Management (Pre-Experience)
- Classics and Ancient History
- Climate Science
- Computer Science
- Construction Management and Engineering
- Consumer Behaviour
- Creative Enterprise
- Creative Writing
Subjects D-G
- Data Science
- Dietetics
- Digital Business
- Ecology
- Economics
- Education
- Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Engineering
- English Language and Applied Linguistics
- English Literature
- Environmental Sciences
- Film, Theatre and Television
- Finance
- Food and Nutritional Sciences
- Geography and Environmental Science
- Graphic Design
Subjects H-P
Subjects A-B
Subjects C-E
Subjects F-G
Subjects H-M
Subjects N-T
Subjects U-Z
We are in the process of finalising our postgraduate taught courses for 2026/27 entry. In the meantime, you can view our 2025/26 courses.