Vitaliy Khutoryanskiy

+44 (0) 118 378 6119
Professor of Formulation Science and Royal Society Industry Fellow
- Chair of Chemistry and Pharmacy building Joint Technicians and Academics Group (JTAG)
- Director of Physicochemical, Ex Vivo and Invertebrate Tests and Analysis Centre (PEVITAC,
- Manager for laboratories 169, LG3 and LG59 in Chemistry and Pharmacy building
Areas of interest
- Polymers for pharmaceutical applications
- Mucoadhesive drug delivery systems
- Transmucosal drug delivery (ocular, nasal, oral, intravesical, rectal and vaginal)
- Water-soluble and amphiphilic polymers
- Hydrogels and biomaterials
- Functionalised nanoparticles (polymers, silica, gold)
- Stimuli-responsive polymers
- Invertebrate in vivo models in evaluation of toxicity and biological activities of chemicals and formulations (planaria, slugs, and wax moth)
Postgraduate supervision
- Shiva Vanukuru
- Myrale Habel
- Yuehuai Xiong
- Zainab Al-Jashaami
- Triona Kirabo
- Farah Mahmoud Kasem Mousli
- Sirirat Sriraksa
Academic qualifications
- BSc (Chemistry), Kazakhstan
- MSc (Polymer chemistry), Kazakhstan
- PhD (Polymer chemistry), Kazakhstan
Awards and honours
- McBain medal, Society of Chemical Industry and Royal Society of Chemistry (2012)
- Sentinel of Science Award as one of the top 10 % reviewers in chemistry, Publons (2016)
- PhD Supervisor of the Year Award, FindAUniversity (2020)
- Innovative Science Award, The Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2022)
Professional bodies/affiliations
- Fellow of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FAPS)
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
- Member of the Society of Chemical Industry
- Member of the United Kingdom Society for Biomaterials