Media on campus
Campus visits of press and visitors wishing to conduct interviews, film, demonstrate or present petitions
The University is a democratic and open institution. However, it is paramount that we maintain the safety and security of staff, students and visitors and ensure the smooth running of business at all times.
To this end, while people are welcome to access the campus, we ask that we are notified and that permission is sought before campus visits of the press and any visitors wishing to conduct interviews, film, demonstrate or present petitions.
Permission can be obtained by contacting the Press Office on 0118 378 5757 or
A member of the University will manage visits and accompany guests, so that their presence is not disruptive of University business.
The University campuses are private property and if people are accessing the grounds without prior permission and or unaccompanied, they will be deemed as trespassing and the University Security staff have the right to evict. Normally staff and students will notify Security if they are expecting visitors on campus.
Information about submitting deputations and petitions
People wishing to present a petition shall give notice in writing or by email to the Press Office (and include their name and address and details of the wording of the petition) by no later than one working day before they wish to present it. Contact the Press Office:, 0118 378 5757.
Persons wishing to send a deputation, which may also include the presentation of a petition, should give at least one clear day's notice in writing or by email to the Press Office, explaining the subject of the deputation, including, where appropriate, details of any petition. No deputation shall be received without prior permission. Contact the Press Office:, 0118 378 5757.
Please note: No deputation shall comprise more than two people at an agreed time and place.