One hundred-mile walk for cancer research
16 May 2023

A University staff member is taking on a mammoth walking challenge this month in aid of cancer research, having been moved by the personal stories of friends, family and colleagues.
Heather Silk-Jones, Building Support Services Manager in the Estates team, who has worked at the University for just over six years, is using her lunch breaks to help cover 100 miles during May to support the charity Cancer Research UK.
Heather said: “I work with some amazing people who are currently fighting Cancer and I watch them in the brave fight and feel compelled to do something positive to raise funds for research and treatment to help them, and others in the same situation.
“I am not a runner by any stretch of the imagination, but I do like a good stroll and regularly walk around the beautiful campus at lunchtime.
“When I saw this challenge on the Cancer Research UK website I realised that I haven’t done any charity fundraising for a long time. This struck me as a great way to combine my lunchtime exercise and to try and raise some much-needed funds to help continue the fight against cancer.”
Cancer Research UK’s Walk 100 Miles challenge is organised to raise funds for the charity’s work to save lives through research and support those who have been diagnosed with cancer.
As well as getting out and about on campus this May, Heather racked up some miles during a recent trip to Girona, Spain, and has also been hitting the treadmill at home. She has covered more than 30 miles so far.
You can sponsor Heather on her walk by visiting her Cancer Research UK online sponsorship page.