2022 News

Expert Comment: Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

University professor appointed CBE in New Years honours

Lightning sparks new source of climate data, 100 years later

Lab-grown meat and insects on the menu for young adults
New research from the University of Reading shows that younger age groups are significantly more likely to be open to the idea of eating lab-grown meat, or insects, than older people.

Expert comment: Questions on crazy weather answered

Reading in the news - Thu 22 Dec

Expert comment: Widespread White Christmas 'unlikely'

Santa Run on campus raises money for Reading charities

Reading in the news - Wed 21 Dec

International students one of our best imports
Pro-Vice-Chancellor Peter Miskell expands on his defence of international students during a recent Winter Graduation speech in this blog

Children’s packaging workshop a success
Children do “fun, easy, and interesting” activities to learn about how to dispose of food packaging sustainably.

Reading in the news - Tue 20 Dec

Expert comment: why UK is mild after freezing temperatures

Reading in the news - Mon 19 Dec

Expert comment: driest start to a winter in century

TV science journalist given honorary degree

Reading in the news - Fri 16 Dec

Consumers need more guidance on food packaging disposal
Surveys of consumers in Poland and Spain show that a lack of knowledge about food packaging symbols is hindering effective disposal practices.

Reading in the news - Thu 15 Dec

Global graduations showcase University’s worldwide reach

Trust in food authorities falls after Covid-19
As the world recovers from the Covid-19 crisis, research shows that trust in food authorities has fallen.

Reading in the news - Wed 14 Dec

Stonehenge boulders form ‘fairytale’ Grotto at campus

Reading in the news - Tue 13 Dec

Charity founder honoured for helping people out of poverty

Expert comment: Why snow is difficult to predict

Reading in the news - Mon 12 Dec

Reading in the news - Fri 9 Dec

Openness to animal research debate wins Reading award
The University of Reading takes a positive stance on encouraging debate on campus.

Open Day kickstarts museum research collaboration

Biodiversity boost from new global university alliance

Upgraded facility to train next generation of NHS staff

Fewer flights and cars to help hit Net Zero
New guidelines to encourage sustainable business travel and greener commuting

Reading in the news - Thu 8 Dec

Reading in the news - Wed 7 Dec

Primary foreign language teachers to get digital development

Gut research funding to improve health via food

Reading in the news - Tue 6 Dec

Reading in top five green universities in the UK

Wine forecast: Britain could be Chardonnay champions by 2050
Over one-fifth of the UK may have suitable weather by mid-Century to grow Chardonnay grapes for still wines.

Reading in the news - Mon 5 Dec

Reading in the news - Fri 2 Dec

Excavation expert celebrated for digs up and down the UK

History of chocolate to be investigated at University

University accounts show continued financial resilience

Reading in the news - Thu 1 Dec

Fungi in sink drains act as ‘reservoirs for mould’
Sinks and P-traps are home to a surprising number of fungal organisms.

Whisky created from seeds with help from Museum

Reading in the news - Wed 30 Nov

Reading in the news - Tue 29 Nov
Travel drop aided lockdown methane surge, study finds

Hydrogen-based economy could prevent carbon emissions

Thames mussel studies 60 years apart show nature decline

Expert Comment: Group A Streptococcus outbreak

Reading in the News - Mon 28 Nov

Reading in the news – Fri 25 Nov

Reading in the news - Thu 24 Nov

Live snake-worship bite accident highlights need for change

Travel drop aided lockdown methane surge, study finds

Reading in the news - Wed 23 Nov
Take climate-changing aerosols seriously, scientists say

Reading in the news - Tue 22 Nov

Reading in the News - Mon 21 Nov

Nutrition honour for Reading Professor

Llama lab expert named UK’s best technician at THE Awards

Greener flights from maths wins science prize at THE Awards

Expert comment: Poor ventilation to blame for black mould

Reading in the news - Fri 18 Nov

Salt more important than temperatures in sea ice formation

Reading in the news - Thu 17 Nov

Reading in the news - Wed 16 Nov

Reading in the News - Tue 15 Nov

Reading researchers among most influential in the world

'More intense hurricanes form rapidly due to climate change'

Reading in the News - Mon 14 Nov

Packaging workshop prepares children for eco-conscious life
Children take part in workshops on sustainable disposal of food packaging.

Vice-Chancellor: Show solidarity with Iranian students

Heating dilemma means less fruit and veg consumed - study

Reading in the news - Fri 11 Nov

Carbon emissions halved in goal to reach Net Zero

Meditating Trump might benefit environment – study

Vice-Chancellor: Let’s be clear on sexual misconduct

Reading in the news - Thu 10 Nov

Air pollution threatens natural pest control

Reading in the news - Wed 9 Nov

Reading in the news - Tue 8 Nov

Eat apples and drink tea for good health

The MERL secures Arts Council England funding

COP27: Reading providing vital climate science in Egypt

Obesity in Malaysia targeted at personalised nutrition event

Reading in the news - Fri 4 Nov
News from the University, including Shinfield Studios and COP27.

San Marino hospital links help Alzheimer’s researchers
Seminar highlights clinical research collaboration with San Marino

Reading in the news - Thu 3 Nov
First aider saves life of heart attack footballer

Community projects to receive funding

Heatwaves compound the effects of pandemic and war

Reading in the news - Wed 2 Nov

Cocoa and climate expertise showcased to Nicaragua diplomats
The Nicaraguan Ambassador to the UK visited the University of Reading.

Samuel Beckett Archive marks 50 years at Reading

Reading in the news - Tue 1 Nov

Reading in the News - Mon 31 Oct

Fairground’s legacy lives on in new University partnership

Reading in the news - Fri 28 Oct

Tree rings offer insight into devastating radiation storms

Reading in the news - Thu 27 Oct

Reading in the news - Weds 26 Oct

Reading in top 100 for Education and Physical Sciences

Reading in the news - Tue 25 Oct

Insects affect electric fields in the atmosphere - study

Climate stripes get eco tartan makeover

Reading in the news - Mon 24 Oct

Sci-fi show at Science Museum stars Reading climate experts

Reading in the news - Fri 21 Oct

Reading in the news - Thu 20 Oct

Maths models may give policy makers major headache

Partnership to tackle young people’s mental health

Reading in the news - Wed 19 Oct

Bike security on campus moves up a gear

From farm to fork, food sector training gets a revamp

Reading in the news - Tue 18 Oct

Reading to host DSA 2023 conference

Reading in the news - Mon 17 Oct

'Action not words': Black History Month

Reading is a centre of excellence for knowledge exchange
The University of Reading is a centre of excellence for knowledge exchange, as demonstrated by the latest KEF (knowledge exchange framework) review.

Reading in the news - Fri 14 Oct

Reading in the news - Thu 13 Oct

Reading in top 200 for THE World University Rankings 2023

Reading in the news - Wed 12 Oct

Reading in the news - Tue 11 Oct

Reading in the news - Mon 10 Oct

Reading in the news - Fri 7 Oct

Reading in the news - Thu 6 Oct

Releasing charge from UAVs can change water drops - study

Reading in the news - Wed 05 Oct

Reading maintains Guardian University Guide 2023 position

Reading in the news - Tue 04 Oct

Reading in the news - Mon 03 Oct

Partnership with Met Office will further climate research

University joins Mental Health Charter Programme
The University of Reading has signed up to a new framework, helping to strengthen mental health support for students and staff.

Reading in the news - Fr 30 Sep

Supermarkets a 'spiderweb' of sensory experiences

Reading in the news - Thu 29 Sep

Empowering communities to inform social change with research

Reading in the news - Wed 28 Sep

COP27 climate change relay is coming to campus

Reading FC sustainability partnership nominated for award

Powerful hurricanes get second wind in Europe
Stronger hurricanes that are reenergised by jet stream winds are twice as likely to cross the Atlantic and wreak havoc in Europe than weaker ones, new research has found.

Reading in the news - Tue 27 Sep

Reading Climate Festival 2022: University events

New partnership brings together research and policy

Reading in the news - Mon 26 Sep

Widening participation in STEM requires an attitude change
Students rule themselves out of, or in to, STEM disciplines, based on stereotyped views of what makes a typical student, a new study has found.

Glass sculpture takes climate stripes into the gallery

Reading in the news - Fri 23 Sep

Free tutoring helps pupils in Reading aim for university
Hundreds of Reading pupils will get tutoring in English, Maths or Science from trained students as part of a new scheme.

Reading in the news - Thu 22 Sep

Archaeology of Iran could aid understanding of global issues

Political songs concert showcases 420 years of protest music

Reading in the news - Wed 21 Sep

Innovative maths programme hosted at Reading

Meteorology building renamed after eminent professor

Reading in the news - Tue 20 Sep

Author gives LGBT+ lecture for 2022

Chancellor: Farewell to Queen’s ‘reassuring continuum’

Top 30 ranking for Reading in Times league table

Reading in the news - Fri 16 Sep

Reading in the news - Thu 15 Sep

Reading in the news - Wed 14 Sep

Dr Patricia Hillebrandt (1929 – 2022)
Respected construction industry researcher and former Reading academic Dr Patricia Hillebrandt has died aged 92

Reading in the news - Tue 13 Sep

Professor Joanna Clark (1978-2022)

Reading in the news - Mon 12 Sep

Accession of King Charles III - VC statement
Statement by the Vice-Chancellor following the proclamation of the accession of His Majesty King Charles III

Reading in the news - Fri 9 Sep

Her Majesty The Queen: Vice-Chancellor statement

Reading in the news - Thu 8 Sep
Media coverage for the University, including comment on the new malaria vaccine and the new PM.

Reading in the news - Wed 7 Sep

Stone Age Brits loved porridge for breakfast too
People living in Britain thousands of years ago combined cereals and milk in cooking pots, archaeologists have found, suggesting they may have enjoyed the same hot porridge breakfasts as their modern-day descendants.

Reading in the news - Tue 06 Sep

Maths professor appointed to international education body

Students dig archaeology at Reading

Times Higher Education Awards shortlist
The University of Reading is shortlisted in two categories for this year's Times Higher Education (THE) Awards, announced recently (1 September).

Reading in the news - Mon 05 Sep

Reading in the news - Fri 02 Sep

Fossil discovery could be rare complete dinosaur skeleton

Reading in the news - Thu 01 Sep
News coverage including flooding in Pakistan, gas supply from Russia, and the origins of Covid.

Reading in the news - Wed 31 Aug

Reading in the news - Tue 30 Aug

Anglo-Saxon monastery was important trade hub

Reading in the news - Fri 26 Aug

Reading in the news - Thu 25 Aug

More students than ever get into the University of Reading
More than 4,000 new undergraduate students will begin their studies in September 2022.

Climate change could leave farmers short of hay feed
New analysis points to spring hay decline in southern England of up to 50% by 2080

Reading in the news - Wed 24 Aug

Reading in the news - Tue 23 Aug

Reading in the news - Mon 22 Aug

Reading in the news - Fri 19 Aug

Whiteknights campus named one of Britain’s top green spaces

How Atlantic air alters India’s food and water supply

Reading in the news - Thu 18 Aug

Reading in the news - Wed 17 Aug

Reading in the news - Tue 16 Aug

Reading in the news - Mon 15 Aug

Reading in the news - Fri 12 Aug

Arctic flights to shed light on sea ice and storms link

Reading in the news - Thu 11 Aug

Reading in the news - Wed 10 Aug

Reading in the news - Tue 9 Aug

Reading in the news - Mon 8 Aug

Reading in the news - Fri 5 Aug

National Teaching Fellows 2022 announced

Reading in the news - Thu 4 Aug

Reading in the news - Wed 3 Aug

Driest ever July edges England towards drought

Reading in the news - Tue 2 Aug

Reading in the news - Mon 1 Aug

England’s lost queen: new hunt for clues at Saxon abbey

Archie Battersbee life support - who decides?

Reading in the news - Fri 29 Jul

Major mathematical modelling conference comes to campus

Climate stripes hit the road in bus partnership

Reading in the news - Wed 27 Jul

Reading in the news - Tue 26 Jul

Reading FC kit makes climate change statement

Reading in the news - Mon 25 Jul

Deaf actor and director named Distinguished Graduate

Reading in the news - Fri 22 Jul

Graduation: Rubies in the rubble of a news-filled week

Reading entrepreneur honoured for charity work

Plans to introduce contactless corridors in UK airports

Reading in the news - Thu 21 Jul

Parkinson’s campaigner receives honorary degree

Reading in the news - Wed 20 Jul

UN human rights advocate honored by University

Vitamin B6 supplements could reduce anxiety and depression

Government must show action on Net Zero Strategy

Reading in the news - Tue 19 Jul

Bees boost crops and could steady food prices

UK 'unprepared for extreme heat'

Reading in the news - Mon 18 Jul

Reading in the news - Fri 15 Jul

Reading in the news - Thu 14 Jul

Reading professor elected member of Academia Europaea
Professor Valerio Lucarini has been elected a member of Academia Europaea.

Reading in the news - Wed 13 Jul

Reading in the news - Tue 12 Jul

New audio trail to explore University ‘secret garden’

Education system ‘neglecting the importance of plants’

Reading in the news - Mon 11 Jul

Reading in the news - Fri 8 Jul

Army leader honored for boosting officer education

Football tournament brings communities together

Boris Johnson episode 'a national shame'

Reading in the news - Thu 7 Jul

Food and nutrition scientist given honorary degree

Finalists have their say in National Student Survey 2022

Golden Globe-winning director gets graduation gong
Walter Salles directed the BAFTA Award-winning films Motorcycle Diaries and Central Station

'Unsung hero' of Reading community gets honorary degree

Diversity schemes ‘do not undermine free speech’

Reading in the news - Wed 6 Jul

MBE award at Palace for University catering head

Henley Regatta success as student rowers reach final

Llama antibody research at Royal Society science showcase

Reading in the news - Tue 5 Jul

Reading in the news - Mon 4 Jul

Dwoskin Project makes finals of Digital Preservation Awards
A project preserving the legacy of Stephen Dwoskin is a Digital Preservation Awards 2022 finalist.

Reading in the news - Fri 1 Jul

Fewer animal tests by Reading scientists in 2021

Reading in the news - Thu 30 Jun

Reading in the news

New rankings highlight mental health support at Reading

Reading in the news - Tue 28 Jun

Reading in the news - Mon 27 Jun

Reading in the news - Mon 24 Jun

Reading in the news - Thu 23 Jun

Celebrate National Meadows Day at Langley Mead

The secret lives of mites in the skin of our faces

#ShowYourStripes Day: World unites behind climate science

Reading in the news - Wed 22 Jun

Reading FC and Uni strike up sustainability partnership

UN sexual abuse claims

Reading in the news - Tue 21 Jun

#ShowYourStripes 2022: Join global climate change movement

Reading in the news - Mon 20 Jun

Reading in the news - Fri 17 Jun

University pledges support for Clean Air Day

Reading in the news - Thu 16 Jun

Reading in the news - Wed 15 Jun

Reading rises in Complete University Guide 2023

Heat carries serious risk but UK not seeing heatwave yet

Reading in the news - Tue 14 Jun

Reading in the news - Mon 13 Jun

Food taxes could help net-zero targets, study shows
Combined carbon and health taxes on food products could significantly contribute to net-zero targets, while improving the quality of diets, a new study shows.

Food production at risk from water demand uncertainty
Estimates of the volume of water needed for agriculture worldwide are ‘unreliable’, new research has shown

Reading in the news - Fri 10 Jun

Reading ranked in QS World University Rankings 2023
The University of Reading has maintained a strong position in the QS World University Rankings 2023, ranked at 28th place among UK universities and 229 in the world.

Reading in the news - Thu 9 Jun

Attractive houseplants give biggest well-being boost

Meteorology awards for Reading research trio
Three University of Reading natural hazards researchers have received awards from the Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS)

Climate scientists link up at UK-India education talks
University leaders from the UK and India are meeting in Mumbai to discuss strengthening education links between the two countries

Reading in the news - Wed 8 Jun

Reading in the news - Tue 7 Jun

Reading in the news - Mon 6 Jun

Birthday List honour for University’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Reading in the news - Wed 1 Jun

Ukraine upholding human rights during war crime trials

Reading in the news - Tue 31 May

Tribute to LEAF CEO Caroline Drummond

Food experts contribute to Berkshire Public Health report

Reading in the news - Fri 27 May

Greta Thunberg wraps warming stripes on cover of new book
A new book by climate activist Greta Thunberg will feature warming stripes created by Professor Ed Hawkins on its cover.

Reading in the news - Thu 26 May

Two more hospital departments receive University status

Risks for political parties of 'Red Wall' preoccupation
Research highlights electoral and policy significance of growing economic divide between graduates and non-graduates

Secret of disordered smell found

Reading in the news - Tue 24 May

Indian snakebite victims benefit from insurance cover
Campaign sees Indian snakebite victims who can’t afford treatments to benefit from confirmed health insurance coverage.

Reading in the news - Mon 23 May

‘Moth motorways’ could help resist climate change impact
Moths struggling to move north to adapt to climate change in the UK could be assisted by targeted habitat restoration to give them a smoother journey

Reading in the news - Fri 20 May

Natural History Museum to open research centre at TVSP

Reading in the news - Thu 19 May

Paul Lindley appointed Chancellor of University of Reading

A ‘new kind of Chancellor’ for University’s second century

Climate change causing 'huge human suffering'

Reading in the news - Wed 18 May

Reading professor appointed RPS Chief Scientist

Reading in the news - Tue 17 May

Reading in the news - Mon 16 May

Reading in the news - Fri 13 May

Hunga Tonga volcano created biggest explosion on record

Reading marks outstanding research in REF 2021

Reading in the news - Thu 12 May

Make bioactives part of dietary guidelines, experts say
Bioactives should be included in dietary guidelines to promote health, said leading experts at a conference hosted by the University of Reading.

Reading expert joins Government green jobs group

Reading in the news - Wed 11 May

Sinn Féin and Alliance gains in NI election - expert comment

Reading in the news - Tue 10 May

Reading in the news - Mon 9 May

Reading in the news - Fri 6 May

From the Vice-Chancellor: Use your hard-won freedoms

Reading in the news - Thu 5 May

Reading in the news - Wed 4 May

Reading in the news - Tue 3 May

Disability and Neurodiversity Review published

Reading in the news - Fri 29 Apr

Made At Uni: Reading supports Climate Action campaign

Reading in the news - Thu 28 Apr

Reading boosts score in THE Global Impact Rankings 2022
Reading has improved its score in the Times Higher Education Global Impact Rankings 2022, achieving top 50 rankings for 7 of the 17 global goals

Linguist received top social science honour
A linguist at the University of Reading who has contributed research in areas of health communication, digital literacies, and language and creativity has been made a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.

Climate change fashion wins sustainability award

Reading in the news - Wed 27 Apr

Reading in the News - Tue 26 Apr

Automated nutrition app can help healthier diet
People could benefit from fully automated personal nutritional advice, as a new research paper shows that an app improved healthy diet in clinical trials.

Reading in the news - Mon 25 Apr

New research funding to boost healthy UK diets
Researchers at the University of Reading will benefit from a share of £14m of grant funding to improve the healthiness of UK diets.

Ukrainian refugee scholarships for degree study at Reading
Ukrainian refugee students will be offered full scholarships to study at the University of Reading, as part of the University’s response to the Russian invasion.

Reading in the news - Fri 22 Apr

Climate education strategy will help pupils create solutions

Climate advisors for schools in new education scheme
New scheme is part of DfE national strategy and will make expert knowledge available to schools

Reading in the news - Thu 21 Apr

Reading in the news - Wed 20 Apr

Less than half of European consumers trust the food system
A new pan-European study of more than 20,000 consumers reveals that less than half of consumers have confidence in the food sector, with just a third believing that the food they eat is sustainable.

Reading in the news - Tue 19 Apr

Thanking supporters who make university dreams reality

Reading in the news - Tue 12 Apr

Volunteers collate largest UK apple and pear catalogue
Budding citizen scientists have helped to identify the largest ever DNA catalogue of apple and pear varieties across the UK.

Virtual tech helps teach sustainable practices
Would-be farmers will be able to learn new agri-technologies on a new content pack for the popular Farming Simulator 22 game released on 19 April, thanks in part to help from the University of Reading.

Reading in the news - Mon 11 Apr

Dengue test shows new hope for low-cost diagnostics
New research paper shows clinical sensitivity on par with lab-based testing

Alzheimer’s brain barrier damage theory proposed

Reading in the news - Fri 8 Apr

Cleaner air for Reading schools

UN debate on suspending Russia from Human Rights Council

Reading in the news - Thu 7 Apr

Reading tops UK for Agriculture in 2022 QS Subject Rankings

New climate action resources hub for Brazil

Reading in the news - Wed 6 Apr

Radiation detectors could aid archaeological discoveries

‘No-fault’ divorce comes into force

Reading in the news - 5 Apr

Helen Gordon appointed first woman President of Council
Helen Gordon has been appointed as President of the Council, University of Reading’s governing body.

Reading in the news - Mon 4 Apr

Racism goes unchallenged as students ‘emotionally detach’
Minority ethnic students are reporting a trend of emotional detachment from racism experienced during their university experience, new research has found.

Reading in the news - Fri 1 Apr

Ozone may be heating the planet more than we realise

How can we improve biodiversity monitoring in Europe?

Reading in the news - Thu 31 Mar

Biodiversity loss has knock-on effects on global markets

Reading in the news - Wed 30 Mar

Taking action on our gender pay gap

Heatwave definition change should not distract from impacts

University Challenge final awaits as Reading makes history

Reading in the news - Tue 29 Mar

Reading in the news - Mon 28 Mar

Rescued Victorian rainfall data smashes former records

Reading in the news - Fri 25 Mar

Reading in the news - Thu 24 Mar

Nature trail opens to all at Whiteknights campus

Reading makes University Challenge semis for first time

Reading in the news - Wed 23 Mar

Flood roadmap sets out vision to predict and manage risk

Reading in the news - Tue 22 Mar

Reading in the news - Mon 21 Mar

Reading in the news - Thu 17 Mar

Creative Entrepreneur boosts innovation in arts research
A Creative Entrepreneur in Residence will help drive innovation in arts and humanities disciplines.

Reading in the news - Wed 16 Mar

Huge dust storm heading for southern England

Reading in the news - Tue 15 Mar

Meet the teams behind world-leading science discovery
The University of Reading is celebrating the wide range of roles that help to grow world-leading scientific discovery.

Ukraine invasion: Refugees supported through power of art

Reading in the news - Mon 14 Mar

Reading suspends partnership with Russian university

Major Europe climate driver shows natural variability

Reading in the news - Fri 11 Mar

Reading in the news - Thu 10 Mar

Reading in the news - Wed 9 Mar

Higher risk of temperature-related death above 2°C warming
The number of deaths directly linked to high temperatures in England and Wales will increase by 42% if temperatures rise by 22°C, a new study has found

Ukraine war issues the focus of special event
Mental health masterclass for Marketing students

University signs up to BBC equality project

Creating new diets to feed healthy old age
New UKRI-funded research network led by University of Reading to co-create healthy, affordable foods and diets for older people

Outdated soil definition at root of environmental concerns

Reading in the news - Tue 8 Mar

Development and peace in uncertain times

Reading in the news - Mon 7 Mar

Shaming Putin's allies in information war key to success

Air pollution change linked with Europe/Asia extreme weather

'Inflation woes' for Europe as Russia seizes nuclear plant

Reading in the news - Fri 4 Mar

Reading in the news - Thu 3 Mar

Mixed ability rugby pioneers score community funding

Darwinian theory of gradual process explained

Reading in the news - Wed 2 Mar
Helping give communities a voice in planning

Latest climate stripes show impacts worldwide

Award for project rescuing Roman history from riverbed

Vice-Chancellor's message on Ukraine

Reading in the news - Tue 1 Mar

UN meeting 'part of efforts to isolate Russia'
On the UN Security Council calling an Emergency Special Session of the General Assembly on Ukraine under the 'Uniting for Peace' resolution

Drug delivery professor wins pharma innovation award
A University of Reading researcher whose work on new forms of drug delivery using sticky and slippery materials has won a prestigious award from the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Volunteers needed to solve pollination mystery

Personalised nutrition approach to Malaysian health problems

Reading in the news - Mon 28 Feb

Cyclone Emnati flood forecasts guide Madagascar aid response

Reading in the news - Fri 25 Feb

Reading in the news - Thu 24 Feb

University of Reading publishes 2020/21 financial statements

Career award for Earth sciences mathematician

New course gets children outdoors to learn about climate

Dedicated gardening volunteer receives long-awaited award

University bucks national trend with rise in applications

Turing Network grant aids Reading data science and AI
The University of Reading has been awarded a Turing Network Development Award by the Turing Institute for the first time

Cyclone Emnati 'makes UK storm look like fluffy kittens'

Reading in the news - Tue 22 Feb

Reading in the news - Mon 21 Feb

Weather and climate masterclasses led by Reading scientists

Climate change work wins Uni Queen’s Anniversary Prize
The University was awarded the national honour for its work on climate change.at St James' Palace

'Sting jet looking more likely' as Storm Eunice hits UK

Reading in the news - Fri 18 Feb

'Take action now' - Storm Eunice warnings issued

Storm Eunice warnings 'should not be taken lightly'

Homeless charity gets community fund boost

Reading in the news - Thu 17 Feb

Sanctuary seekers encouraged to apply for scholarships

Covid tip of iceberg for farmer mental health

Reading in the news - Wed 16 Feb

Storms Dudley and Eunice will be 'a nuisance or worse'

Report a 'scathing snapshot' of England's rivers

Reading in the news - Tue 15 Feb

Reading in the news - Mon 14 Feb

Love, sex and plants: join botanists in biggest ever quiz

Wood 'cannot be considered environmentally friendly fuel'

Reading in the news - Mon 14 Feb

Untold stories of women in typeface design revealed

Reading in the news - Fri 11 Feb

Reading in the news - Thu 10 Feb

Black Death mortality less widespread than thought
New archaeology research suggests while the Plague devastated some parts of Europe, others were relatively unaffected

Reading in the news - Wed 9 Feb

Reading in the news - Tue 8 Feb

Reading in the news - Mon 7 Feb

'Intense' Cyclone Batsirai set to hit Madagascar

Reading in the news - Fri 4 Feb

NATO needs to grapple with new geopolitics

Reading in the news - Thu 3 Feb

Joyce and Beckett reunited as University acquires collection

Reading in the news - Wed 2 Feb

Reading in the news - Tue 1 Feb

Reading in the news - Mon 31 Jan

Wider-reaching landscape solutions needed to reach net zero

Reading in the news - Fri 28 Jan

Reading joins national Agriculture research plan
The University of Reading and leading UK universities offering Agriculture courses and research are uniting to agree joint research priorities.

Reading in the news - Thu 27 Jan

Reading in the news - Wed 26 Jan

Reading in the news - Tue 25 Jan

University exhibition explores racial equality on campus
New exhibition draws on reflections and lived experiences of staff and students on race, equality and inclusion

Reading in the news - Mon 24 Jan

Reading joins campaign to end NDA use for sexual misconduct
The University of Reading is backing a campaign not to use non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to silence complainants in sexual misconduct cases.

Reading in the news - Fri 21 Jan

Grant to help decarbonise University's heating systems

Reading in the news - Thu 20 Jan

Air pollution reduces pollination by confusing bees

Reading in the news - Wed 19 Jan

Chemical pollution has passed safe limits, study finds

Reading in the news - Tue 18 Jan

Reading in the news - Mon 17 Jan

Reading in the news - Fri 14 Jan

Reading in the news - 13 Jan

Reading helping to inspire next generation of creative arts
Current and former students and staff from the University of Reading have been inspiring and entertaining the world through their contribution to the creative arts.

2021 was fifth hottest year on record - expert comment

Reading in the news - Tue 11 Jan

Reading in the news - Wed 12 Jan

Reading in the news - Mon 10 Jan

Reading in the News - Fri 7 Jan

Reading in the news - Thu 6 Jan

Nutrigenetics project tackling Malaysia’s obesity crisis

Reading in the news - Wed 5 Jan

Reading in the news - Tue 4 Jan

World Cup: Know the Score
With the FIFA World Cup underway in Qatar, University of Reading students and staff are leading discussions about the controversial sporting event.
Subjects A-B
Subjects C-E
Subjects F-G
Subjects H-M
Subjects N-T
Subjects U-Z
Subjects A-C
- Accounting
- Agriculture
- Ancient History
- Archaeology
- Architecture
- Art
- Biological Sciences
- Biomedical Sciences
- Business (Post-Experience)
- Business and Management (Pre-Experience)
- Classics and Ancient History
- Climate Science
- Computer Science
- Construction Management and Engineering
- Consumer Behaviour
- Creative Enterprise
- Creative Writing
Subjects D-G
- Data Science
- Dietetics
- Digital Business
- Ecology
- Economics
- Education
- Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Engineering
- English Language and Applied Linguistics
- English Literature
- Environmental Sciences
- Film, Theatre and Television
- Finance
- Food and Nutritional Sciences
- Geography and Environmental Science
- Graphic Design
Subjects H-P
Subjects A-B
Subjects C-E
Subjects F-G
Subjects H-M
Subjects N-T
Subjects U-Z
We are in the process of finalising our postgraduate taught courses for 2026/27 entry. In the meantime, you can view our 2025/26 courses.