
MQM3PERP - Personal Project

MQM3PERP-Personal Project

Module Provider: Leadership, Organisations and Behaviour
Number of credits: 20 [10 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught: Spring term module
Non-modular pre-requisites:
Modules excluded:
Current from: 2023/4

Module Convenor: Dr Holly Andrews

Type of module:

Summary module description:

The personal project encourages the programme member to identify themes of personal development as a coach/behaviour change practitioner, over the duration of the Masters programme. Programme members will draw on a range of sources of evidence upon which they can reflect in their final write-up. Sources of evidence are likely to include their learning log, feedback from external sources and more formal personal reflections (such as in previous assignments). The overall intention is that the personal project provides the opportunity for programme members to reflect on their own personal development as a coach/behaviour change practitioner. This includes identifying strengths as a coach/behaviour change practitioner including competencies, values and capabilities and why/how these are important for effective and ethical coaching. Engaging in the personal project will also encourage the programme member to identify ongoing areas of development and provide a plan as to how these will be addressed


  • To develop the skills of self-awareness, reflection and reflexive learning 

  • To develop a strong personal identity as a coach, and be able to articulate this to a variety of audiences 

  • To focus on core competency development, and identify success criteria 

  • To consolidate the learning from across the whole of the MSc in Coaching for Behavioural Change 

  • To develop a plan for continued professional development 

Assessable learning outcomes:

  • Personal Development: Programme members will demonstrate self-awareness as an independent, reflective and self-critical learner in a wide range of learning contexts and be able to apply learning to new situations 

  • Personal Development: Programme members will understand the nature and process of personal development and recognise the value of personal development 

  • Critical Reflection: Programme members will be able to effectively synthesize theory and research with their reflective examples to illustrate their understanding of how theory and research applies to their own practice  

  • Coaching Skills: Programme members will demonstrate the importance of both values and capabilities for effective and ethical coaching 

  • Coaching Skills: Programme members will develop a strategic, holistic and integrated coaching perspective 

Additional outcomes:

  • Increased resilience and confidence as a coach/behaviour change practitioner  

  • High level of personal resourcefulness as a coach  

  • Self-awareness demonstrated by reflective writing  

  • Increased awareness of demonstrating ethical practice and embodying a coaching mindset. 

  • Evidence of links made between the content of the programme, personal application of this and the topic of the personal project 

  • Underpinning awareness of the literature in the field and appropriate use of references from various sources 

Outline content:

The topic/themes for the personal project will be selected by the programme member, with assistance from tutors on the programme. Coaching input from other programme members will also contribute to the clarification and development of the project. Guidelines will be supplied with the course materials. The personal learning log, which is kept throughout the programme, will form a core element of the project. 

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

Input and guidance will be given at intervals throughout the programme, during the workshops. Written guidelines for selecting and scoping the personal project, and writing it up in a reflective style, will be supplied with the programme materials. The student will learn from reflecting upon their own experiences, and gathering feedback from those they have been working with. They will be encouraged to think about their own evidence procedure for understanding the impact they have on others a nd about their success criteria for their practice. 

Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Seminars 5
Tutorials 5
Work-based learning 20
Guided independent study:      
    Wider reading (independent) 80
    Essay preparation 45
    Reflection 45
Total hours by term 0 200 0
Total hours for module 200

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage
Written assignment including essay 100

Summative assessment- Examinations:

Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:

5000 word assignment  

Submission date: See canvas  

Formative assessment methods:

Supervision sessions. Feedback from peers, tutors and learning advisors 

Penalties for late submission:

University standard penalties apply 

Assessment requirements for a pass:

Reassessment arrangements:
One re-submission allowed, in line with overall programme requirements

Additional Costs (specified where applicable):


Last updated: 30 March 2023


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