
MQM3DCBC - Dissertation for MSc in Coaching and Behavioural Change

MQM3DCBC-Dissertation for MSc in Coaching and Behavioural Change

Module Provider: Leadership, Organisations and Behaviour
Number of credits: 40 [20 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught: Autumn / Spring term module
Non-modular pre-requisites:
Modules excluded:
Current from: 2023/4

Module Convenor: Dr Holly Andrews

Type of module:

Summary module description:

The dissertation module forms a core component of Stage 3 of the MSc in Coaching and Behavioural Change and provides an opportunity for programme members to demonstrate their in-depth, critical understanding of a topic relevant to the MSc but chosen by them through the design, execution and reporting of an original piece of empirical research in the form of a Masters-level dissertation. The choice of topic may be motivated either by primarily practical or primarily theoretical concerns. The module includes a research methods teaching component and in addition requires submission of a written research proposal. Programme members will be supported by a supervisor whilst working on their dissertation.


  • To develop programme members’ knowledge and understanding of key research skills required to undertake an original piece of research at Masters level 

  • To familiarise programme members with the decision criteria regarding research methodology, research ethics, literature review, data collection and data analysis 

  • To enable programme members to design, plan and manage their own research project 

  • To enable programme members to undertake a piece of original research in a topic area related to coaching and/or behavioural change and to produce an in-depth report on the procedures followed and the outcomes achieved 

Assessable learning outcomes:

  • Academic Business Knowledge and Analytical Skills: Programme members will be able to demonstrate appropriate academic  knowledge of the key concepts and theories within coaching and behaviour change 

  • Academic Business Knowledge and Analytical Skills: Programme members will be able to apply relevant knowledge and analytical and critical thinking skills in a way that combines academic rigour with practical relevance 

  • Academic BusinessKnowledge and Analytical Skills: Programme members will develop critical thinking skills in relation to analysis of a range of data 

  • Personal Development: Programme Members will be able to demonstrate effective and clear communication skills 

Additional outcomes:

  • Develop an understanding of the research process and the practical challenges in undertaking a research project 

  • Practical skills in the locating, reviewing and synthesising existing literature on a topic 

  • Skills in collecting and analysing data  

  • Enhanced project management and time management skills 

  • Improved capability for independent learning. 

Outline content:


  • Introduction to research

  • The role and application of theory in research

  • The literature review process and the composition of a literature review

  • The nature and role of research design and methodology in research

  • Sources of data and data collection methods

  • Data analysis methods

  • Reporting research findings

  • Conducting research ethically

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

Tutor input 


Plenary and small group discussion 

Dissertation supervision 

Peer/tutor/supervisor feedback 


Learning log 

Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Seminars 20 20 32
Tutorials 2
Project Supervision 13 13
Guided independent study:      
    Wider reading (independent) 50
    Preparation for seminars 10 10 20
    Carry-out research project 40 40
    Dissertation writing 30 40 30
    Reflection 10 20
Total hours by term 123 143 134
Total hours for module 400

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage
Dissertation 100

Summative assessment- Examinations:

Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:

Summative assessment is a Dissertation is in the form of a single written report with a word count not to exceed 10,000 words (100% of marks). 

Submission date: See canvas 

Formative assessment methods:

Programme members are required to submit a formal, written proposal which must be approved. Following proposal approval, ethical approval must be obtained before they can proceed with the empirical phase of their project. Feedback on drafts of work will be provided by the dissertation supervisor. Feedback from peers and tutors. 

Penalties for late submission:

University standard penalties apply 

Assessment requirements for a pass:

50% on written assignment 

Reassessment arrangements:

1 resubmission in line with overall programme regulations 

Additional Costs (specified where applicable):

Last updated: 30 March 2023


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