
MQM1FISU - Foundations in Supervision

MQM1FISU-Foundations in Supervision

Module Provider: Leadership, Organisations and Behaviour
Number of credits: 30 [15 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught: Autumn / Spring / Summer module
Non-modular pre-requisites: 100 hours of coaching experience (evidenced by Professional Accreditation by a professional body (ICF, EMCC, AC, APECS) or if not accredited via a coaching log).
Modules excluded:
Current from: 2023/4

Module Convenor: Julia Carden

Type of module:

Summary module description:

The module will cover the principles and best practice of coaching supervision, along with a range of approaches to individual and group supervision.  The structure of the programme will be practical and experiential, with considerable opportunities to both receive and carry out supervision using various approaches.  This programme will provide students with the knowledge and confidence to work as a coaching supervisor, and increase personal self-awareness so that they can work flexibly with their clients and thereby enabling insight. 


This programme aims to: 


  • Develop the capacity of individuals to act as effective supervisors and reflective practitioners, in a one-to-one or group supervision capacity 

  • Develop a deeper understanding of self as the instrument for coaching supervision 

  • Build understanding of the role and purpose of supervision, appreciating the developmental, supportive and managerial elements of supervision 

  • Give students an awareness of theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of different supervision models and how they work 

  • Give students experience of the different models, both as supervisor and supervisee 

  • Develop the knowledge, skills and ability of individuals to work with ethical and professional dilemmas likely to arise in supervision 

  • Help students develop the ability to review and critically reflect upon their own practice 

Assessable learning outcomes:

  • Academic and Cognitive Skills:  Programme members will be able to apply relevant knowledge and critical thinking skills in a way that combines academic and relevant literature with practical relevance. 

  • Academic and Cognitive Skills:  Programme members will be able to demonstrate appropriate academic knowledge to key concepts and coaching supervision theories that are relevant to their practice. 

  • Coaching Supervision Skills: Programme members will be able to show awareness and knowledge of different supervision models and will have integrated them appropriately into their own personal approach. 

  • Coaching Supervision Skills:  Programme members will be able to demonstrate their ability to apply supervision practice to both individual and/or group situations, either within an organisation or as an external consultant. 

  • Coaching Supervision Skills: Programme members will be able to demonstrate flexibility in applying an appropriate supervision intervention in a range of scenarios. 

  • Coaching Supervision Skills:  Programme members will be able to demonstrate that they have confidence working as a supervisor with professionalism, awareness of the ethical codes of practice and ongoing supervision-on-supervision. 

  • Coaching Supervision Skills:  Programme members will demonstrate the use of supervision to aid the development and reflective practice of self and others. 

  • Coaching Reflective Practice:  Programme members will be able to demonstrate that they are able to reflect on their own practice through self-reflection and supervision-on-supervision, and discuss the learning they have gained. 

  • Coaching Reflective Practice:  Programme members will be able to assess their own self-awareness and identify development areas. 

Additional outcomes:

  • Confidence in their ability to work systemically and holistically in their coaching supervision practice 

  • Ability to work inclusively 

  • Develop adaptability and flexibility in their approach to coaching supervision 

  • Confidence to handle uncertainty and ambiguity while supervising 

  • Develop the skills to effectively manage and deliver coaching supervision practice in one-one and group situations. 

Outline content:

  • An introduction and overview of supervision 

  • Use of self as coaching supervisor, self-assessment and self-awareness 

  • The supervision relationship; Power in supervision and an introduction to Transactional Analysis 

  • Contracting in coaching supervision 

  • Coaching Supervision Models and Frameworks (including 7-eyed model; Constellations; Somatics in supervision) 

  • Ethics and ethical dilemmas 

  • A Systemic approach to supervision – including reflection on how larger systemic issues impact coaching supervision 

  • Group coaching supervision and group dynamics in supervision groups 

  • Psychotherapeutic and psychological concepts in supervision (including transference, counter transference and projection) 

  • Integration and evaluation – developing your own model and style of supervision 

  • Developing your internal supervisor 

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

Tutor input (workshops and webinars) 


Practice in groups, triads and pairs 

Plenary and small group discussion 

Peer/tutor/supervisor feedback 

Independent coaching supervision practice 

Coaching supervision-on-supervision 


Reflective writing  

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Learning log  

Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Lectures 2 20 28
Practicals classes and workshops 4 26 10
Work-based learning 20 20 15
Guided independent study:      
    Wider reading (independent) 20 40 30
    Revision and preparation 5 5
    Essay preparation 10 15
    Reflection 10 10 10
Total hours by term 66 121 113
Total hours for module 300

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage
Written assignment including essay 100

Summative assessment- Examinations:


Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:

5000 word reflective assignment 

Submission date: See canvas 

Formative assessment methods:

Two inter-modular pieces of reflective writing will be submitted and reviewed as part of the programme 


Observed practice with feedback 


Supervision sessions, feedback from peers, tutors and learning advisors. 

Penalties for late submission:

University standard penalties apply 

Assessment requirements for a pass:

50% on written assignment 

Reassessment arrangements:

One resubmission, in line with overall programme regulations 

Additional Costs (specified where applicable):

Last updated: 30 March 2023


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