
PYMITC - Introduction to CBT

PYMITC-Introduction to CBT

Module Provider: Psychology
Number of credits: 20 [10 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught: Autumn term module
Non-modular pre-requisites:
Modules excluded:
Current from: 2022/3

Module Convenor: Dr Paul Jenkins

Type of module:

Summary module description:
This module will provide students with an introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) through 8 half-day teaching sessions. This module will introduce students to the essential need to develop psychological interventions that are based on: (i) Current theoretical understanding of common psychological disorders (e.g., anxiety and depressive disorders), and (ii) empirical evidence relevant to both the models of psychological disorder and the efficacy of associated treatments. The module will also introduce key therapeutic tools for treating common psychological disorders and discuss their practical utility.


The aim of this module is for students to apply an understanding of the role of evidence-based psychological treatments in the provision of psychological services and conceptualise key theories and therapeutic skills and strategies used in CBT.

Assessable learning outcomes:

By the end of the course, students will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

  • Critically evaluate therapies in terms of their level of evidence for treating common psychological disorders and the resultant clinical guidelines produced by NICE.

  • Conceptualise key theories and therapeutic skills and strategies used in CBT.

  • Devise personalised CBT formulations and use thought records and behavioural experiments appropriately and effectively.

Additional outcomes:

Students will learn to reflect upon their experience of using CBT strategies to integrate theory and practice. 

Outline content:

There will be 8 half-days of face-to-face teaching covering:

  1. The fundamentals of evidence-based practice

  2. Reflective practice

  3. Historical roots of CBT

  4. Assessment, formulation and treatment in CBT

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:
Lectures/small group work; audio and video recording; role-play exercises and discussion.

Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Lectures 28
Guided independent study: 172
Total hours by term 200
Total hours for module 200

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage
Written assignment including essay 100

Summative assessment- Examinations:

Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:
The assessment comprises a written assignment (including a reflective component).

Formative assessment methods:
Role-play exercises and discussion; written assignments

Penalties for late submission:

The below information applies to students on taught programmes except those on Postgraduate Flexible programmes. Penalties for late submission, and the associated procedures, which apply to Postgraduate Flexible programmes are specified in the policy £Penalties for late submission for Postgraduate Flexible programmes£, which can be found here:
The Support Centres will apply the following penalties for work submitted late:

  • where the piece of work is submitted after the original deadline (or any formally agreed extension to the deadline): 10% of the total marks available for that piece of work will be deducted from the mark for each working day (or part thereof) following the deadline up to a total of five working days;
  • where the piece of work is submitted more than five working days after the original deadline (or any formally agreed extension to the deadline): a mark of zero will be recorded.
The University policy statement on penalties for late submission can be found at:
You are strongly advised to ensure that coursework is submitted by the relevant deadline. You should note that it is advisable to submit work in an unfinished state rather than to fail to submit any work.

Assessment requirements for a pass:
50%. A minimum of 80% attendance is required.

Reassessment arrangements:
Students who do not obtain the required pass mark in the assessed work will be given the opportunity to re-attempt, on one further occasion, any individual assessment that has been failed. The re-sit grade cannot exceed 50%.

Additional Costs (specified where applicable):

1) Required text books: None

2) Specialist equipment or materials: None

3) Specialist clothing, footwear or headgear: None

4) Printing and binding: None

5) Computers and devices with a particular specification: None

6) Travel, accommodation and subsistence: None

Last updated: 22 September 2022


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