
MQM1RC03 - Core Topics in Financial Regulation

MQM1RC03-Core Topics in Financial Regulation

Module Provider: ICMA Centre
Number of credits: 20 [10 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught: Summer term module
Non-modular pre-requisites:
Modules excluded:
Current from: 2021/2

Module Convenor: Dr Antony Moore

Type of module:

Summary module description:

This module draws upon scholarly insights and practitioner expertise in corporate law, history, psychology, politics and finance to consider the practical, philosophical and socio-economic aspects of financial regulation. This module is for students studying the MSc in Regulation and Compliance (Degree Apprenticeship) only.


This module aims to help students establish a good and general understanding of essential topics in the theory and practice of financial regulation.

Assessable learning outcomes:

1) Discuss the theoretical foundations of, and rationales for financial regulation

2) Recognise the regulatory perimeter for different types of regulators, attendant regulatory objectives and implications for stakeholders

3) Identify fundamental aspects in the practice of financial regulation and the key challenges for regulators, the regulated community and the broader set of affected stakeholders

Additional outcomes:

Outline content:

Drawing upon scholarly insights and practitioner expertise in corporate law, history, psychology, politics and finance, this module considers the practical, philosophical and socio-economic aspects of financial regulation. All aspects of financial regulation including conduct of business regulation, micro- and macro-prudential regulation as well as oversight of competition, governance, ethics and culture will be discussed. The module has a strong practical flavour and students will have the o pportunity to reflect deeply upon essential topics such as regulatory rationales, approaches, remits, structures, styles, requirements, challenges and the appropriate tools and techniques to address different concerns. Students will develop a nuanced understanding of the differing styles, priorities and practices within different regulators, both domestic and international. Students will also develop a good understanding of the international financial architecture, global context and allied regu latory requirements. Study within this module will be animated by simulating realistic regulatory experiences using practical, topical examples, and by examining the evidence emerging from current and historical successes, failures and crises and their impact on stakeholders.

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

Taught content for this module will primarily be delivered through lectures and syndicated learning, which will be delivered in four full-day sessions wither at Henley Business School or at a central London location. Relevant materials and learning will also be shared through the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) that is intended to facilitate and aid the students’ learning journey within the MSc Programme. Students will also be expected to conduct substantial guided independent learni ng using materials available via the university library.

Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Lectures 16
Seminars 8
Guided independent study:      
    Wider reading (independent) 70
    Wider reading (directed) 20
    Exam revision/preparation 26
    Advance preparation for classes 20
    Essay preparation 24
    Reflection 16
Total hours by term 0 0 200
Total hours for module 200

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage
Written exam 60
Written assignment including essay 40

Summative assessment- Examinations:

2 hours closed book written examination

Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:

2,000 word coursework essay (to be submitted the week following the final workshop).  

Formative assessment methods:

There will be an exam preparation and revision session in the final class. Students will have the opportunity to review their knowledge on the VLE and in discussion with the apprenticeship tutor.

Penalties for late submission:

Submission of coursework by your original deadline date or formally agreed extension to deadline date will not incur penalties. 

Submission of coursework within 30 calendar days of your original deadline date (or formally agreed extension to deadline date) will incur a 10 marks reduction. 

Submission of coursework more than 30 calendar days of your original deadline date (or formally agreed extension to deadline date) will incur a zero mark. 

Assessment requirements for a pass:

50% weighted average mark

Reassessment arrangements:

By written examination only, as part of the overall examination arrangements for the MSc programme

Additional Costs (specified where applicable):

Last updated: 25 May 2021


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