
MQM1LPT - Leading Personal Transformation

MQM1LPT-Leading Personal Transformation

Module Provider: Leadership, Organisations and Behaviour
Number of credits: 20 [10 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught: Autumn / Spring / Summer module
Non-modular pre-requisites:
Modules excluded:
Current from: 2021/2

Module Convenor: Dr Amal Ahmadi

Type of module:

Summary module description:

This module forms part of the PGDip Leadership (Senior Leader Apprenticeship) programme. It builds on the knowledge covered in Foundations of Leadership and develops further understanding of the knowledge, skills and behaviours required by senior leaders in today’s world, in relation to personal leadership transformation.   


The module covers a range of topics relating to personal leadership transformation and is designed to meet the learning outcomes of Apprenticeship Standard, specifically leading people development, coaching, and mentoring arrangements for people within their area of responsibility. In addition, this module includes promoting an ethical, inclusive, innovative and supportive culture that generates continuous business improvement. 


The module aims to: 

  • Develop the capability of individuals to plan, manage and reflect on their personal leadership development 

  • Encourage development of behavioural skills in individuals to increase the effectiveness of their leadership 

  • Provide an understanding of the processes of coaching and mentoring, and the similarities and differences between them 

  • Develop the behavioural skills to carry out the coaching process 

  • Develop the awareness of the ethical and practical issues in relation to personal leadership development and development of others 

Assessable learning outcomes:

By the end of the module, it is expected that programme members may be able to demonstrate their ability in the following areas: 


To know and understand: 

K6: Ethics and values-based leadership theories and principles. 

K10: Organisational/team dynamics and how to build engagement and develop high performance, agile and collaborative cultures. 

K11: Approaches to strategic workforce planning, for example, talent management, learning organisations, group work, workforce design, succession planning, diversity and inclusion. 

K12: Influencing and negotiating strategies both upwards and outwards. 

K18: Coaching and mentoring techniques.

K20: The organisation’s developing communications strategy and its link to their area of responsibility. 

Additional outcomes:

Additional Learning Outcomes: 


S7: Challenge strategies and operations in terms of ethics, responsibility, sustainability, resource allocation and business continuity/risk management. 

S9: Drive a culture of resilience and support development of new enterprise and opportunities. 

S14: Create an inclusive culture, encouraging diversity and difference and promoting well-being. 

S15: Give and receive feedback at all levels, building confidence and developing trust, and enable people to take risks and challenge where appropriate. 

S16: Enable an open culture and high-performance working environment and set goals and accountabilities for teams and individuals in their area. 

S18: Optimise skills of the workforce, balancing people and technical skills and encouraging continual development. 

S21: Shape and manage the communications strategy for their area of responsibility.


B1: Work collaboratively enabling empowerment and delegation. 

B4: Value difference and champion diversity. 

B5: Seek continuous professional development opportunities for self and wider team. 


Additional Outcomes 

• Knowledge of different models and approaches to learning and leadership development, including psychometric instruments 

• Knowledge of techniques for problem-solving, decision-making and managing feedback 

• Communication skills, including questioning, listening and managing difference / conflict 

• Confidence 

• Understanding the importance and use of reflection in learning and personal development

Outline content:

The module covers the following topics: 

• The role of the leader and leadership styles  

• Leadership development: Self and others 

• Learning and leadership development   

• Psychometric instruments 

• The role of reflection and the reflective leader  

• Managing and promoting inclusi vity and diversity   

• Practical leadership skills development 

• The similarities and differences between coaching and mentoring  

• The roles of the coach, coachee, mentor, mentee and line manager 

• The coaching process 

• Using coaching skills in coaching and mentoring 

• Conflict management 

Global context:

The module is taught with reference to the global context of the learners’ organisations and their experiences. 

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

Teaching and learning takes place through a blended learning approach. The teaching and learning methods comprise a combination of self-study via a range of online materials on the Canvas learning platform, face-to-face workshops with Faculty and a Learning Coach, who supports the cohort throughout the module.  The learners follow an inquiry based approach, and each person participates in a facilitated Action Learning set of approxim ately 6 - 8 learners in week 6 of the module. 


Materials on Canvas include content on-screen, videos, PowerPoint presentations, journal articles, book chapters, practical activities and reflection points.  

Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Lectures 7
Seminars 4
Practicals classes and workshops 4
Work-based learning 80
Guided independent study:      
    Wider reading (independent) 20
    Wider reading (directed) 20
    Peer assisted learning 3
    Advance preparation for classes 2
    Essay preparation 40
    Reflection 20
Total hours by term 0 200 0
Total hours for module 200

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage
Written assignment including essay 100

Summative assessment- Examinations:

No examination. 

Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:

One 5,000 word individual assignment, to be submitted as per the submission schedule for the cohort. 

Formative assessment methods:

Facilitated learning activities are undertaken during the module, including formative feedback of the  assignment. 

Penalties for late submission:

These are in accordance with the mode of study arrangements laid out in the programme specifications. 

Assessment requirements for a pass:

Formative assessment requirements: 

Formative assessment is either a “Proceed” or “Revise”, and emphasis is placed on providing feedback. 

Reassessment arrangements:

Formative reassessment arrangements: 

One resubmission. 


Reassessment arrangements for summative assessment: 

Reassessment by 100% assignment, capped at 50%. 

Additional Costs (specified where applicable):

Travel, accommodation and subsistence: 

Expenses when attending workshops (in the case of a workshop taking place at Greenlands.)

Last updated: 9 March 2022


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