
MNM3G023 - Sustainability


Module Provider: International Business and Strategy
Number of credits: 10 [5 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught: Spring term module
Non-modular pre-requisites:
Modules excluded:
Current from: 2021/2

Module Convenor: Dr Peter McManners

Type of module:

Summary module description:

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for society, driving government policy and an important influence on business strategy. Understanding sustainability and the implications has become a vital component of strategic analysis. This module is designed to enable participants to critically evaluate the potential impact of sustainability on a sector and analyse how business can respond. The module will enable the analysis of a particular business within the sector, examining its current response and consider how to exploit the opportunities which arise.


To enable participants to critically evaluate the potential impact of sustainability on a sector, including sustainable business models and approaches to enhance sustainability.

Assessable learning outcomes:

  • Understand sustainability within a business context;

  • Awareness of the lenses of sustainability and how to apply them;

  • Be able to analysis an industry or firm to assess the opportunities and potential impact of sustainability.

Additional outcomes:

  • The ability to think ‘outside the box’ in considering how sustainability is likely to shape the future business environment.

Outline content:

  • Sustainability and today’s business perspective

  • Lenses of Sustainability

    • External: Environment and resource limits

    • Internal: Strategy and Reputation

  • Looking to the Future

  • Putting it into Practice

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

For those studying the module on-line, the learning transmission will be through the learning materials provided in Canvas. This includes a number of exercises to be completed to put into practice the concepts of sustainability.   The module is supported by a textbook to allow students to read more widely around the subject and develop greater depth of understanding of the concepts of sustainability. For those cohorts who are offered the workshop, they will also complete elements of the on-line material before attending the workshop.   The one-day workshop will focus on sustainability in practice, and will include group exercises. The module requires carrying out a sustainability analysis on a particular industry and consider the implications for one particular firm. The results will be presented in a report which will be examined.


Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Lectures 4
Practicals classes and workshops 4
Guided independent study:      
    Wider reading (independent) 10
    Wider reading (directed) 10
    Completion of formative assessment tasks 10
    Essay preparation 60
    Reflection 2
Total hours by term 100 0 0
Total hours for module 100

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage

Summative assessment- Examinations:

There is no examination for this elective.

Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:

The assessment consists of an Individual Report of 3,500 words.  

Formative assessment methods:

Penalties for late submission:

These are in accordance with the programme specification.

Assessment requirements for a pass:

The pass mark for the individual assignment is 50%.

Reassessment arrangements:

Reassessment by 100% assignment (capped at 50%); to be submitted within 6 weeks of notification of module failure, date dependent on cohort entry and to be advised by the Programme Administrator.

Additional Costs (specified where applicable):

Last updated: 13 May 2021


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