
MNM2RR - Reputation and Responsibility

MNM2RR-Reputation and Responsibility

Module Provider: Marketing and Reputation
Number of credits: 15 [7.5 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught:
Non-modular pre-requisites:
Modules excluded:
Current from: 2021/2

Module Convenor: Dr Anastasiya Saraeva

Type of module:

Summary module description:

The Reputation and Responsibility module explores the identification, development and management of reputation, corporate responsibility and stakeholder relationships critical to organisational performance. It focuses upon the strategies and choices in organisational relationships, the values that underpin these choices and the integrative as well as analytical thinking demanded of managers if strategic decisions are to be operationalised in a transparent, purposeful and accountable manner. By explicitly building on previous modules of the MBA programme, Reputation and Responsibility focuses upon the strategic, holistic and integrated nature of management in a complex business environment.


  • The module aims to:

    • Develop knowledge and understanding of the holistic nature of strategic reputation management

    • Foster debate and discussion around issues of corporate responsibility and board effectiveness

    • Introduce key concepts of how relationships are built and apply the principles and theories to the understanding of successful organisational relationships

    • Introduce key concepts of stakeholder management, raise awareness of the complex nature of challenges that organisations have to deal with and enable a reflection on choices around deployment of resources and future strategies in situations where there are conflicting demands

    • Expose programme members to a range of tools for the analysis of perceptions related to reputation and illustrate application of such tools through a range of activities and case-studies

    • Help programme members to apply key principles of corporate responsibility and board effectiveness to the achievement of long-term performance

    • Allow programme members to gain an understanding of what information they need, to make integrative decisions and how they might use frameworks to make the most of the information organisations already have

Assessable learning outcomes:

By the end of the module it is expected that programme members will be able to demonstrate their ability to:  

  • Identify and discuss the nature of relationships, their purpose and their context that impact positively and negatively on the attainment of long-term strategic objectives for the organisation 

  • Describe the latest academic thinking in the areas of reputation management, how it links to the achievement of the longer-term purpose of the organisation and the diagnostic tools and the research process associated with the proactive management of organisational reputation 

  • Critically reflect on the current debate around issues of corporate responsibility and sustainability and consider how insights and recommendations relate to management theory and practice 

  • Perform a stakeholder analysis to inform strategic planning 

  • Judiciously analyse the relevance and appropriateness of relationship and stakeholder theory, reputation management and governance to long term sustainable strategic management 

  • Critically reflect on value and values in organisations and challenge the accepted tools where appropriate as part of the evaluation process 

  • Synthesize information, evaluate and reflect on alternative theories and concepts evidencing a problem-solving approach and showing an understanding of the implications of recommendations 

  • Embrace an interdisciplinary approach to the concepts studied and application of differing methodologies in an integrated manner 

Additional outcomes:

By the end of the module it is expected that programme members will be able to demonstrate their ability to: 

  • Adopt a problem-solving approach and use a number of analytical models and tools to understand reputational issues 

  • Engage in a critical debate regarding corporate responsibility, organisational purpose and value and the role of boards 

  • Manage the research process to gather required information and data from a wide group of stakeholders and interpret complex data that can be qualitative and/or quantitative in nature to inform strategic decision making 

  • Understand and apply behavioural models to practical scenarios and communicate clearly and confidently their analysis through written reports and a variety of mediums 

  • Work autonomously, as well as collaboratively, managing the process of study, prioritising appropriately 

  • Reflect on their own understanding and ability to communicate with others in the subject area.  


Outline content:

The key topics covered in all modes of study address the aim of enabling programme members to develop an appreciation and understanding of the following issues.  

  • The exploration of the foundation of reputation by focussing on the study of relationships.  

  • Principal alternate approaches for the identification and measurement of organisation al responsibility.  

  • The integration of the study of organisational reputation into the wider context of how business relates to society, issues of social responsibilities and a discussion of what constitutes purposeful governance.  

  • An integrative exploration of the management of stakeholder relationships with aid of theory from corporate reputation, responsibility, strategy and gove rnance. 

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

The learning methodology for programme members undertaking the Reputation and Responsibility module includes online self-study learning materials and exercises designed to help programme members to apply their learning to their own context delivered via the study guide, a two-day workshop delivered by a subject specialist and access to a designated online subject database. 


Contact Hours:  






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Project supervision 


Practical classes 



Supervised time in studio/workshop 


External visits 

Work-based learning (relating to module) 

(For Flexi-Levy students this equates to the ‘Off The Job’ learning allowance, and includes some wider reading and advance preparation for classes)  




Independent Study Hours (Guide): 



Wider reading (independent) 



Wider reading (directed) 

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Exam revision / preparation (if appropriate)  


Peer assisted learning 

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Advance preparation for classes 



Other (specify) 

Preparation for tutorials 

Preparation for presentations 

Preparation for seminars 

Preparation for performance 

Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Lectures 7
Practicals classes and workshops 8
Work-based learning 32
Guided independent study:      
    Wider reading (independent) 7
    Wider reading (directed) 28
    Peer assisted learning 2
    Advance preparation for classes 12
    Essay preparation 50
    Reflection 4
Total hours by term 0 0
Total hours for module 150

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage
Written assignment including essay 100

Summative assessment- Examinations:


Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:


Individual report of 5,000 words to be submitted as per the submission schedule for the cohort. 



Formative assessment methods:

Workshop activities are undertaken to support formative assessment of the learning. These activities are not assessed for the purposes of the final module mark. 


This formative assessment takes the form of feedback given to students at workshops on syndicate work, presentations and exercises. 

Penalties for late submission:

These are in accordance with the mode of study arrangements laid out in the programme guide.  

Assessment requirements for a pass:
Assignments: the pass mark is 50%.

Reassessment arrangements:

 Reassessment by 100% assignment (capped at 50%); to be submitted within 6 weeks of notification of module failure, date dependent on cohort entry and to be advised by the Programme Administrator. 

Additional Costs (specified where applicable):

Last updated: 13 May 2021


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