
MNM1G002 - Managing Processes & Systems

Type of module:

Summary module description:

This module focuses on the key principles that underpin the delivery of goods and services by organisations. It takes a systems and processes approach, integrating elements of operations management, information systems management and project management. Whilst processes are viewed as key enablers of business strategy, the module emphasizes the need to understand such processes in a systemic way. The key topics cover the design, implementation and on-going operation of goods and service delivery in a variety of organisational contexts. This module focuses on the key principles that underpin the delivery of goods and services by organisations. It takes a systems and processes approach, integrating elements of operations management, information systems management and project management. Whilst processes are viewed as key enablers of business strategy, the module emphasizes the need to understand such processes in a systemic way. The key topics cover the design, implementation and on-going operation of goods and service delivery in a variety of organisational contexts. 


The module is targeted at practising managers to enable them to: 

  • align delivery system and process design to the strategic requirements of the organisation 

  • implement process change through the application of project management techniques 

  • evaluate and improve the on-going delivery of goods and services

Assessable learning outcomes:

On completion of the module, programme members will be able to demonstrate their ability to: 

  • evaluate critically the applicability of module concepts to specific organisational contexts  

  • describe, analyse and evaluate the design of delivery systems and processes using appropriate models and frameworks  

  • describe, analyse and evaluate the performance of delivery systems and processes using appropriate m odels and frameworks 

  • identify opportunities to improve delivery performance and design appropriate strategies for achieving that improvement 

  • employ project management techniques to manage novel activity to realise benefits from process change in a complex environment

Additional outcomes:

By the end of the module it is expected that programme members will be able to demonstrate their ability to: 

  • communicate their analysis clearly and confidently, through written reports  

  • work autonomously, as well as collaboratively, managing their process of study, prioritising appropriately 

  • manage the research process to gather required information and data with minimum of guidance 

  • select and use appropriate tools, models and frameworks to develop a critical analysis of a business situation  

  • reflect critically on their own understanding and ability to communicate with others in the subject area 

Outline content:

All organisations use processes to create the goods and services they provide to customers. These processes are a core part of the delivery systems that take inputs and transform them in some way to produce outputs in the form of goods and/or services. The management of such delivery systems implies three capabilities if the organisation is to prosper in a complex environment: 

  • the capability to align delivery systems with the organisation’s strateg y, through effective process and system design 

  • the capability to deploy new system designs capable of delivering the desired goods and services thorough effective project management  

  • the capability to operate delivery systems on an on-going basis including performance evaluation, management of quality and the development of improvement programmes  

The module is structured around these key themes to provi de an integrated, life-cycle approach to the management of delivery processes and systems in a range of organisational contexts. 

Global context:

The module draws on examples of practice and case studies from operations and process management around the world. 

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

The module uses a blended-learning approach, incorporating face-to-face workshop(s), self-study, and online tutor support. A three-day workshop is run for the module, covering the key topics from the syllabus with a range of exercises for group activity and discussion. Further content is delivered on-line, structured around key readings from the course textbook, journal articles and other sources, with a series of practical activities for each topic. Tutor support is also avail able online. 

Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Lectures 10
Seminars 11
Guided independent study:      
    Wider reading (independent) 20
    Wider reading (directed) 35
    Peer assisted learning 2
    Advance preparation for classes 16
    Essay preparation 50
    Reflection 6
Total hours by term 150 0 0
Total hours for module 150

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage

Summative assessment- Examinations:

There is no final examination. 

Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:

One 5,000 individual written assignment with a weight of 100% of the final assessment mark; submission dates according to intake schedule.

Formative assessment methods:

Formative assessment is through feedback for group work in workshops. 

Penalties for late submission:

Standard EMBA (Global) programme penalties for late submission are applied.

Assessment requirements for a pass:

An overall mark of 50% for the individual written assignment. 

Reassessment arrangements:

Reassessment by 100% assignment (capped at 50%); to be submitted within 6 weeks of notification of module failure, date dependent on cohort entry and to be advised by the Programme Administrator.

Additional Costs (specified where applicable):

Last updated: 8 April 2021


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