
MM357 - Management Project

MM357-Management Project

Module Provider: International Business and Strategy
Number of credits: 20 [10 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught: Autumn / Spring term module
Non-modular pre-requisites:
Modules excluded:
Current from: 2021/2

Module Convenor: Dr Chris Woodrow

Type of module:

Summary module description:
This module allows students to engage in guided, independent study over two terms in their final year. The objective is to produce a long piece of written research (a £Project£), which engages in-depth with a chosen topic in business and management.

To demonstrate the ability to complete an independent analysis of a topic or issue in management.

Assessable learning outcomes:

By the end of the module it is expected that the student will be able to:

1. Identify and summarise a key management issue / problem.

2. Engage in a significant piece of research.

3. Critically appraise ideas / contributions from theoretical, empirical and practice-based sources.

4. Organise and evaluate different types of data or information.

5. State, explain and justify lessons and conclusio ns.

6. Organise and present information clearly, succinctly and in the required format.

Additional outcomes:

1. Develop the ability to learn independently.

2. Making effective use of time and resources available.

Outline content:

Students will engage in the following activities:  

- Development of a management project topic proposal. 

- Searching for, and organisation of, source material. 

- Framing the study and consideration of appropriate methods. 

- Collection and analysis of material. 

- Evaluation of data. 

- Interpretation of meaning and discussion of finding s. 

- Referencing sources. 

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

There will be an introductory session given by the module convenor. Students taking the module will meet individually with the module convenor at the beginning of autumn term to discuss their topic and allocate a supervisor. The supervisor will provide a minimum of three hours contact over the autumn and spring terms and will be available for consultation as necessary. The module convener will also provide additional guidance at key points in the module. All students will be required to read the Project Handbook. Further information, support materials and guidance will be provided through Blackboard. Learning will be student-centred and unique to the student.

Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Seminars 2
Project Supervision 2 2
Guided independent study:      
    Carry-out research project 97 97
Total hours by term 101 99 0
Total hours for module 200

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage
Project output other than dissertation 100

Summative assessment- Examinations:

Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:

One management project: maximum 8000 words in length. Submitted on the final week of spring term. The project will have 100% weighting in the overall assessment of the module.

Formative assessment methods:

One project proposal:  500 words in length. Submitted by week 7 of the autumn term. The proposal will be assessed on a pass / fail basis. Failed proposals can be resubmitted once. Progression on the module will be conditional on achieving a pass on the proposal. 

Penalties for late submission:

University penalties for late submission apply.  See: 

You are strongly advised to ensure that coursework is submitted by the relevant deadline. You should note that it is advisable to submit work in an unfinished state rather than to fail to submit any work. 

Assessment requirements for a pass:
A final mark of 40%.

Reassessment arrangements:
Re-examination: students will have the opportunity to resubmit a revised version of the project by 31 August. Marks will be capped at 40%.

Additional Costs (specified where applicable):


Printing and binding: Students are required to submit two bound copies of their project. Printing costs are as follows: Black and white printing per page A4 = 5p, A3 = 10p.Colour printing per page A4 = 30p, A3 = 60p. Prices correct at the time of publishing. Students can get their projects bound for free in the ARC.

Last updated: 20 May 2021


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