
MMM082 - Project in Human Resource Management

MMM082-Project in Human Resource Management

Module Provider: International Business and Strategy
Number of credits: 20 [10 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught: Autumn / Spring / Summer module
Non-modular pre-requisites:
Modules excluded:
Current from: 2020/1

Module Convenor: Dr Chul Chung


Type of module:

Summary module description:

The project is intended to enable the student to show their ability by organizing, managing and completing an independent study to answer a business challenge. The problem or issue needs to be set in a business context and the final report should be related to an area of HRM. 


To provide students with an opportunity to define and execute an independent piece of research in International human resource management on an approved topic of their choice. 

Assessable learning outcomes:

By the end of the module it is expected that the student will be able to: 

  1. Identify and summarise the key issues of a topic 

  2. Design, explain and justify the research approach adopted 

  3. Identify, summarise and critically appraise relevant literature (where appropriate) 

  4. Identify, analyse, and evaluate collected data (where appropriate) 

  5. State, explain and justify given concl usions/chosen solutions 

  6. Articulate recommendations and provide implications to cost/benefit 

  7. Organise and present information clearly, succinctly and in the required format 

  8. Reflect on the personal learning achieved from the project and how this might be applied in the future 


Additional outcomes:

The self-directed nature of study for this module should develop student’s ability to research, problem-solve and learn independently and to making effective use of their time and the resources available. 

Outline content:

- Autumn and Spring term lectures on study skills will introduce students to the requirements of the project 

- Students will be allocated a supervisor and will have 3 face to face meetings of up to one hour with the student. 


Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

Attendance of MMM070: Study Skill classes in the autumn and spring term. 

Meetings with project supervisor in the summer term. 

Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Lectures 8 8
Tutorials 6
Project Supervision 3
Guided independent study:      
    Advance preparation for classes 2 16
    Carry-out research project 157
Total hours by term 10 30 160
Total hours for module 200

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage
Report 100

Summative assessment- Examinations:


Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:


One minimum 7,000 – maximum 8,000 word project on an approved topic related to the programme, including recommendations to the organisation under review as well as a retrospective self-reflection. To be submitted in week 54.

The project will have a 100% weighting in the overall assessment.

Upper limit of word count: A word count of 10% excess is allowed for the written assignment. Exceeding the word count will attract a penalty whereby written work beyond the 10% excess is discounted in the grading of the assignment.

Formative assessment methods:

Penalties for late submission:

Penalties for late submission on this module are in accordance with the University policy. Please refer to page 5 of the Postgraduate Guide to Assessment for further information: 

Assessment requirements for a pass:
A mark of 50%.

Reassessment arrangements:
Resubmission as part of the overall arrangements for the MSc programme.

Additional Costs (specified where applicable):

Printing and binding: Students are required to submit two bound copies of their project. Printing costs are as follows:  

Black and white printing per page 

A4 = 5p 

A3 = 10p 

Colour printing per page 

A4 = 30p 

A3 = 60p 

Prices correct at the time of publishing 

Students can get their projects bound for free in the ARC. 

Last updated: 29 April 2020


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