
CEM229 - Green Building Assessment

CEM229-Green Building Assessment

Module Provider: School of Construction Management and Engineering, School of Built Environment
Number of credits: 10 [5 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught: Spring term module
Non-modular pre-requisites:
Modules excluded: CEM103 Project Management: Principles and Practice and CEM104 Construction Cost Management: Principles and Practice
Current from: 2020/1

Module Convenor: Dr Zhiwen Luo


Type of module:

Summary module description:

This module integrates the BREEAM assessment training workshops/tutorials into the module design.  It covers assessment methodology, Interntional GBA scheme such as BREEAM, and GBA case stdies. The major teaching approaches are lectures,workshops and tutorials. Students will be trained to be able to evaluate ‘green performance’ of a real building using green building assessment tools. 


The aim of this module is to provide a comprehensive knowledge of the green building concept and specifications of the existing green building assessment tools. This module will develop students’ in-depth understanding of

• the concept of  green buildings;

• carbon emission reduction targets and measures to achieve;

• the mechanism of measuring and rating sustainability of buildings;

• green building assessment methods/rating tools;

• international standards;

• resource conservation in construction (materials, energy, water etc).

Assessable learning outcomes:

Student will be able to:

• Define and explain the concept of green building;

• Outline the elements to make building green;

• Identify the evaluation contents of green building assessment;

• Compare different green building assessment tools;

• Appreciate the technical contents of a specific GBA scheme;

• Analyse and evaluate the green building performance on a case study

Additional outcomes:

Outline content:

Green building assessment: overview

BREEAM Assessment and certificate

Assessment methods: a sociological perspective

Life cycle assessment and thinking

WELL Standard- Assessment for health and well-being



BREEAM workshops/tutorials 1, 2, and 3


Reading list

Yao, R., ed. (2013) Design and management of sustain able built environments. Springer, London. (In Press)

Details on BREAM scheme in UK, the world’s leading design and assessment method for sustainable buildings

Montoya, M., ed. (2010) Green building fundamentals (2nd Edition), Prentice Hall

Global context:

Various GBA schemes across the countries will be researched and compared as a student essay based on a specific topic/theme chosen by students

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

Lectures, tutorials, workshops and guided private study

Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Lectures 15
Tutorials 10
Practicals classes and workshops 10
Guided independent study: 65
Total hours by term 100
Total hours for module 100

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage
Written assignment including essay 80
Oral assessment and presentation 20

Summative assessment- Examinations:

Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:

Formative assessment methods:
Assignment: 2500-3000 word essay

Penalties for late submission:

Penalties for late submission on this module are in accordance with the University policy. Please refer to page 5 of the Postgraduate Guide to Assessment for further information:

Assessment requirements for a pass:
A mark of 50% overall

Reassessment arrangements:

To be reassessed by re-submission of coursework/assignment only. You are required to contact the School to confirm reassessment arrangements.

Additional Costs (specified where applicable):
1) Required text books:
2) Specialist equipment or materials:
3) Specialist clothing, footwear or headgear:
4) Printing and binding:
5) Computers and devices with a particular specification:
6) Travel, accommodation and subsistence:

Last updated: 4 April 2020


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