
AP2A43 - Small Animal Management

AP2A43-Small Animal Management

Module Provider: Agriculture
Number of credits: 10 [5 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught: Spring term module
Modules excluded:
Current from: 2020/1

Module Convenor: Mrs Rebecca Morgan


Type of module:

Summary module description:

Learn about the science and practical factors underpinning management and welfare of various species of small animals kept in domestic environments, such as small mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish. Develop your skills in critical evaluation of small animal management practices and the welfare of small animals.

This module provides students with a critical overview of the management requirements and practices for various species of small animals kept in domestic environments including small domestic mammals (rabbits, rodents and other small exotic mammals), reptiles and amphibians, birds and fish kept in domestic aquaria. Students will develop skills in the assessment and critical evaluation of small animal management practices and welfare both on theoretical and practical levels. Students will also gain some practical animal handling experience.

Assessable learning outcomes:

At completion of the module, students should be able to:

  • Describe and critically evaluate the key management requirements of small animals in domestic situations

  • Describe and critically evaluate management practices which contribute to meeting the welfare needs of small animals in domestic situations

Additional outcomes:

Students will be able to develop and demonstrate some practical skills in safe handling of some small animals.

Students will also develop the following employability/transferable skills:

  • Independent working, time management and organisation through the guided independent study

  • Written communication, verbal communication and self-reflection through the coursework

  • Contextual thinking between the science behind animal management and the practical keeping of animals in domestic situations.

Outline content:

Through a series of lectures, practical sessions and visits, this module will introduce and critically discuss the management requirements of small mammals, reptiles, amphibians, exotic birds and fish commonly kept in domestic situations and the associated management practices employed, with major reference to maintaining or enhancing animal welfare. The module will enable students to develop practical skills in handling of some small animals and will develop analytical skills useful for the critical evaluation of the welfare of small animals. Lecture and practical topics include:

  • Principles of small animal management including legislation related to the procurement and keeping of small animals in domestic environments

  • Nutritional requirements and feeding methods/strategies for different species

  • Environmental requirements and methods of accommodating these for different species

  • The management of small a nimals to allow expression of normal behaviour

  • Safe and humane methods of handling selected small animals

  • Welfare assessment of small animals

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

Module content will be delivered through a combination of theory lectures (mostly 2 hour sessions with a break in the middle) and visits to animal establishments (4 hour sessions) for practical demonstrations and/or handling.

Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Lectures 14
Practicals classes and workshops 16
Guided independent study: 70
Total hours by term 0 0
Total hours for module 100

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage
Written assignment including essay 50
Portfolio 20
Oral assessment and presentation 30

Summative assessment- Examinations:

Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:

This module will be assessed by coursework consisting of a reflective portfolio (20%), an individual presentation followed by oral assessment (30%) and a written management plan (50%).

Formative assessment methods:

Multiple choice questions will be made available during the module for self-assessment of learning.

Penalties for late submission:

The Module Convenor will apply the following penalties for work submitted late:

  • where the piece of work is submitted after the original deadline (or any formally agreed extension to the deadline): 10% of the total marks available for that piece of work will be deducted from the mark for each working day[1] (or part thereof) following the deadline up to a total of five working days;
  • where the piece of work is submitted more than five working days after the original deadline (or any formally agreed extension to the deadline): a mark of zero will be recorded.
The University policy statement on penalties for late submission can be found at:
You are strongly advised to ensure that coursework is submitted by the relevant deadline. You should note that it is advisable to submit work in an unfinished state rather than to fail to submit any work.

Assessment requirements for a pass:
A mark of 40% overall.

Reassessment arrangements:
By submission of an essay.

Additional Costs (specified where applicable):

  • Specialist clothing, footwear or headgear: Wellington boots, sturdy flat shoes (not trainers) or boots which cover the whole foot e.g. walking shoes/boots. Full length thick trousers/jeans. Short sleeved t-shirt. Jumper or sweatshirt with no hood. Warm, waterproof coat. These are needed for the external visits.

Last updated: 27 July 2020


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