
MQM1NSP1 - Neuroscience and Psychology

MQM1NSP1-Neuroscience and Psychology

Module Provider: Leadership, Organisations and Behaviour
Number of credits: 30 [15 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught: Autumn / Spring / Summer module
Non-modular pre-requisites:
Modules excluded:
Current from: 2019/0

Module Convenor: Dr Jonathan Passmore


Type of module:

Summary module description:

This is the second of two modules making up the Post-Graduate Certificate level of the Masters in Coaching and Behavioural Change. It comprises workshop delivery, together with inter-workshop practice, reading and reflection. 

This module is designed to offer an experiential and practical training in core technologies of Coaching and Behavioural Change. This draws upon many of the schools of psychology, and coaching techniques already covered by students in the first module of the Post-Graduate Certificate (Foundations of Coaching). The tools and techniques covered in the module will be presented and practiced in a coaching style, thus giving students an intense coaching practice opportunity. 


This module is designed to allow external student participation, from corporate clients and individuals who wish to undertake further study in psychological theories and neuroscience that will help them to deepen their understanding and employ a broader range of tools and techniques in their coaching practice. 


  • To gain practical experience and understanding of a wide range of tools and techniques which deliver effective behavioural change  

  • To enable students to learn from their own practical experience and reflection 

  • To expose students to a wide range people with whom to work, thus increasing their experience and flexibility both as coaches and coachees 

  • To develop an understanding of a broad range of psychological tools and techniques for use at an individual and organisational level 

  • To ensure students have a basic understanding of psychology, and insight into the leading edge neuroscience which informs coaching practice 

Assessable learning outcomes:

  • 5,000 word assignment 

  • Observed skills in using the tools and techniques during the workshops 

  • Ability to integrate learning from this module with learning from the Certificate in Coaching, module one. 

Additional outcomes:

  • Increased awareness and confidence in working with a wide range of individuals 

  • Increased flexibility and resources to respond to presenting issues from coachees 

  • An understanding of how people develop patterns of behaviour, and how these can be changed 

  • Personal experience of the world from different perspectives 

  • Ability to explain the psychological underpinnings of effective coaching and behavioural change interventions 

Outline content:

  • Foundations of Psychology 

  • Psychology and its organisational applications 

  • Understanding the development of first wave Behavioural and Cognitive approaches  

  • Explore their application to coaching 

  • Apply these approaches to organisational and wellbeing issues 

  • Setting the scene for third wave cognitive behavioural approaches and their translation to coaching 

  • Introduction to relevant psychological theories of change  

  • Understanding the development of approaches such as mindfulness, compassion focused and acceptance and commitment approaches as tools for behavioural change 

  • Explore their application in coaching 

  • Positive psychology and its applications 

  • Apply these approaches to organisational and wellbeing issues 

  • Setting the scene for motivational approaches to behavioural change   

  • Introduction to relevant psychological theories of change 

  • Explore the structure of the brain, common human biases and functions which relate to coaching practice through a neuroscience approach 

  • Neuroscience 

  • Timeline work 

  • Understanding the development of approaches such as motivational interviewing as a tool for behavioural change 

  • Explore it application in coaching  

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

  • Workshop 

  • Expert tutors with practical experience of applying the tools and techniques 

  • Plenary presentations, demonstrations and practice sessions 

  • Inter-module activities and exercises 

Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Lectures 60
Tutorials 15
Practicals classes and workshops 75
Guided independent study:      
    Wider reading (independent) 75
    Essay preparation 37.5
    Reflection 37.5
Total hours by term 0 300 0
Total hours for module 300

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage
Written assignment including essay 100

Summative assessment- Examinations:

Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:

One 5,000 word assignment consisting of two questions of 2,500 words each. 

Submission deadline: 25 June 2020. 

Formative assessment methods:

Observed coaching sessions, feedback from peers, tutors and learning advisors.  

Penalties for late submission:

University standard penalties apply 

Assessment requirements for a pass:

50% for the module overall 

Reassessment arrangements:

One resubmission in line with University standard rules 

Additional Costs (specified where applicable):

Last updated: 12 June 2019


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