
MNM2STM - Strategic Marketing

MNM2STM-Strategic Marketing

Module Provider: Marketing and Reputation
Number of credits: 15 [7.5 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught: Autumn / Spring / Summer module
Non-modular pre-requisites:
Modules excluded:
Current from: 2019/0

Module Convenor: Dr Anne Dibley


Type of module:

Summary module description:

The module is designed to answer the question: ‘How can an organisation derive value from a marketplace?’ It enables practising managers to understand the underlying theoretical perspectives of the strategic management of markets across a range of organisational situations, and to make informed choices regarding the selection and development of marketing activities. Participants are taken through the cyclical activity of analysing a market; identifying value opportunities; and creating and delivering marketing programmes. Furthermore, the module emphasises the need for rigour in marketing metrics and the monitoring and evaluation of the outputs and ultimate return of the marketing investment to the organisation.


The module is designed for practising managers and aims to: 

  • raise awareness of marketing as both a philosophical organisational perspective and also a strategic and tactical managerial function

  • develop an understanding of the practice of strategic marketing and the relevance of key marketing concepts

  • emphasise the importance of ethically and socially responsible marketing strategies

Assessable learning outcomes:

By the end of the module it is expected that programme members will be able to demonstrate their ability to:

  • critically analyse theoretical explanations of marketing situations and assess their relevance

  • synthesise, evaluate and discuss leading theories and models that are used to explain key concepts in strategic marketing

  • recognise the external and internal forces that impact upon the choices involved in strategic marketing with regard to the development, production and distribution of goods and services

  • identify factors that drive and influence the development of market structures and the comparative differences across various business contexts

  • make distinctions between different types of data and information used to analyse markets, customers and stakeholders

  • recognise the nature of relationships and partnerships that are vital to the creation of customer value

Additional outcomes:

By the end of the module it is expected that programme members will be able to demonstrate their ability to:

  • adopt a problem-solving approach and use a number of analytical tools to understand market-based problems

  • undertake marketing research and manage the outputs to provide meaningful recommendations to management

  • communicate a coherent marketing strategy and gain acceptance for it from a range of levels of management within the organisation

  • engage in critical debate regarding the role of marketing from a general management perspective

  • participate in collaborative team-working.

Outline content:

The key topics covered in all modes of study address the aim of enabling programme members to develop an appreciation and understanding of:

  • the marketing dilemmas facing the marketing manager

  • principles of marketing research and intelligence gathering methods

  • B2C and B2B buyer behaviour

  • the process of segmenting, targeting and positioning

  • basic concepts of brand management, innovation and new product development, pricing, channel management and integrated marketing communications including new forms of social networking and social media platforms

  • the role of relationship management in B2C and B2B contexts, and the value of customer service

  • techniques to evaluate and enhance the return of the marketing investment

Global context:

The module is taught with reference to international marketing situations.

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

There will be some flexibility within the focus of the teaching and learning approach for programme members taking different modes of study.  

• Flexible Executive MBA: the content is delivered on-line, structured around key readings and a course textbook, journal articles and other sources, with a series of practical activities for each topic. A two-day workshop is run for the module, covering the key topics from the syllabus and with a range of exercises for group activity and discussions. Tutor support is also available online.

• Executive MBA: the content is delivered in 4 days of taught sessions, supported by key readings from the course textbook, journal articles and other sources, practical activities for each topic with group and cohort discussion. The on-line materials are also made available to programme members.  Tutor support is also available online.

Contact Hours

  Flexi-Levy MBA

Flexi- Non-Levy

Exec MBA Exec MBA-Global
Lectures 7 7 11 10
Practical classes 8 8 12 11

Work-based learning (relating to module)

(For Flexi-Levy students this equates to the ‘Off The Job’ learning allowance, and includes some wider reading and advance preparation for classes)
32 16 8  

Independent Study Hours (Guide)

  Flexi-Levy MBA

Flexi- Non-Levy

Exec MBA Exec MBA-Global
Wider reading (independent) 7 12 12 20
Wider reading (directed) 28 35 35 35
Peer assisted learning 2 2 2 2
Advance preparation for classes 12 16 16 16
Essay preparation - may include conducting research, analysing data, editing the finished product 50 50 50 50
Reflection - for example lecture consolidation or engaging with feedback 4 4 4 6

Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Supervised time in studio/workshop 16 16
Total hours by term 16 16
Total hours for module 150

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage
Written assignment including essay 100

Summative assessment- Examinations:

Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:

One 5,000 word individual assignment, to be submitted as per the submission schedule for the cohort.

Formative assessment methods:

Workshop activities are undertaken to support formative assessment of the learning. These activities are not assessed for the purposes of the final module mark.

This formative assessment takes the form of feedback given to students at workshops on syndicate work, presentations and exercises

Penalties for late submission:

Standard Flexi/Exec MBA programme penalties for late submission are applied

Standard EMBA - Global programme penalties for late submission are applied.

Assessment requirements for a pass:
Assignment - the pass mark is 50%

Reassessment arrangements:

Reassessment by 100% assignment (capped at 50%); deadline to be advised by the Examinations Manager following the relevant Programme Examiners’ Meeting.


Additional Costs (specified where applicable):

Travel, accommodation and subsistence - Expenses when attending workshops

Last updated: 14 June 2019


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