
MMM142 - International Study Challenge (International Business)

MMM142-International Study Challenge (International Business)

Module Provider: International Business and Strategy
Number of credits: 10 [5 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught: Spring term module
Non-modular pre-requisites:
Modules excluded:
Current from: 2019/0

Module Convenor: Dr Jong Min Lee


Type of module:

Summary module description:

The module provides intensive experiential learning in an international context. This is an opportunity for students group visits a particular country and particular business communities to explore business development issues and the methods the community has found for addressing these issues, as well as to assist these communities with possible business solutions. The module assists to create a network of active young specialists who think globally and act locally to make business action happen. The country partner institutions play a key role in setting up the itinerary and hosting the visit. Students will work in multinational teams to develop international capabilities and build their global network. 


The module aims to provide students with an opportunity to: 

- develop a broad understanding of the structure of business environment in a particular country, including the roles of government and nongovernmental organizations;  

- understand the changes occurring in the economy, business structure, and politics of a country and the impact of these changes on the provision of business environment; 

- understand the development and function of professional business work and community development in a particular country;  

- achieve an understanding of concepts and methodologies available for the comparative cross-societal study of business development, economic policy, etc., as it relates to the students’ interest; 

- advance multicultural understandings and develop cross-cultural competencies; 

- progress in a timely manner within the structured academic programme including international experience; 

- enrich and deepen in a timely manner the structured curriculum of an MSc programme with an element of international experience; 

- develop team-working and inter-personal skills as well as master their oral and written communication skills. 

Assessable learning outcomes:

By the end of the module students should have demonstrated an ability to: 

-enhance their multicultural and international competence in a particular country; 

-demonstrate skills in critical and multicultural thinking for practice to support their educational experiences as well as to support business practice in a global world; 

-give an account of the causal relationships between various economic, fiscal, political and technological variables, factors and conditions affecting business operations and the behaviour of companies in a particular country. 

-demonstrate a knowledge of the strategies involved in doing business in a particular country. 

-demonstrate team working skills as well as oral and written communication skills in international context through experiential learning. 

Additional outcomes:

Students will master the ability to discuss and influence progressive ideas for action towards issues of business, managerial capabilities, human resources development in a context of a particular country. They will then develop the skills to make sense and meaning of the complexity of the international environment and will contribute to group ideas on what is possible given the discourse. In addition, students will also develop generic skills for accessing and developing ongoing appreciation of issues related to an international context. 

Outline content:

-Autumn and Spring term classes will introduce students to general knowledge relevant to the international applied challenge. 

-The detailed programme of the time abroad should be provided to the students in Spring term prior the visit.  

-Students will have to sign a letter, stipulating some formalities in respect to the module, namely study tasks during the time in a particular country, conditions of confidentiality of information, which they may have access in relation to the company or its clients or staff (related to the company visits), the obligations outlined above extend to information contained in any documents, reports, spreadsheets or other materials produced by students regarding the placement in support of the module; data protection. 

Global context:

The module is specifically designed to ensure that students have an opportunity to broaden and enrich their global perspective by studying and interacting with local firms/start-ups/organisations within a different international context. 

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

Customised academic and applied presentations by faculty experts in the receiving university and local institutional leaders and experts. Students will be exposed to a variety of customised and generic group visits to various businesses and broader institutions that altogether form the “local cultural context” and norms. 

Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Lectures 2 20
Seminars 4
Supervised time in studio/workshop 6
External visits 18
Guided independent study:      
    Group study tasks 50
Total hours by term 2 98 0
Total hours for module 100

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage
Report 30
Project output other than dissertation 70

Summative assessment- Examinations:

(1) A Group written pre-departure report (1000 words +/- 10%) which counts 30% of the overall mark.  Submission: Spring term, Monday, Week 30 (11). 

(2) Students will be required to produce a start-up pitch which will be presented to the Partner -Henley Committee, which counts 70% in the overall module. Spring term, vacation week 32 (13). 

Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:

Formative assessment methods:

Student teams will discuss their pre-departure reports, case study and pitch with the faculty involved in the module in the host and home universities/organisations. The formative feedback in the context of supervised time in studio/workshop while teams will be preparing their work. The formative feedback will enable students to reflectively adapt their group report and presentations which are the two assessed components of coursework in this module. 

Penalties for late submission:

Penalties for late submission on this module are in accordance with the University policy. 

Assessment requirements for a pass:

A weighted average of 50% or more required. 

Reassessment arrangements:

An individual project (4,000 words) (capped at 50 percent). 

Additional Costs (specified where applicable):

Cost Amount
Travel, accommodation and subsistence                                                                                                                                                                             

- Visa fee (It may vary depending on the visiting country and student nationality) 

- Up to £400-450 per student is the estimated total cost for subsistence and local travel overseas which is not covered already in the budget.?All other costs (travel, accommodation, breakfast?and local travels and the farewell and welcome lunch dinner) are covered. 


Last updated: 12 November 2019


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