
MMM127 - International Study Challenge

MMM127-International Study Challenge

Module Provider: Leadership, Organisations and Behaviour
Number of credits: 10 [5 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught: Summer term module
Non-modular pre-requisites:
Modules excluded:
Current from: 2019/0

Module Convenor: Dr Kleio Akrivou


Type of module:

Summary module description:

This module is delivered partly at University of Reading UK and partly at a host university partner in another overseas location. Students will learn to apply experiential learning in a foreign economic, political and social context and develop as future professionals in management or international roles.


This module aims to develop students holistically and as future professionals in management and international roles via a bespoke study and work abroad component and individual and team work associated with an overseas context of business and management. Students will apply and reflect on previously acquired knowledge in management and business; the aim is also to increase students’ cross-cultural sensitivity via experiential learning in a foreign context to develop an international and cross-cultural knowledge, applied practice and skills as future professionals in management or international roles. The module aims to develop students’ application of management with a focus on responsible and sustainable business.

Assessable learning outcomes:

An appreciation of the complexity and the cultural aspects influencing responsible management of businesses in a given context.

The ability to apply knowledge in case analysis from a variety of theories and angles in various theories informing responsible management and business in a specific cultural and institutional context.

Identify and critically evaluate key dimensions of a specific context; analyse and critically compare different organisations strategy and management approaches and develop awareness of and a sensitivity for ethical and responsible management.

Reflect on, discuss and extend (apply and integrate) previously acquired knowledge in management applied in a context.

Personal Development:

1) Develop confidence for oral presentation and analysis skills in the subject- matter and develop team working skills and capacity as part of a team project.

2) An opportunity to develop oneself holistically and as a team member working in a different culture with others via a number of experiential learning activities and company and institutional visits.

Additional outcomes:

The self-directed and guided nature of this module emphasizes learning via multiple sources of feedback involving the tutor(s) and convenors, members of the foreign university, manager professionals via company visits, and teams via various sources of feedback. Greater insight into how people, teams and oneself works and adapts to a foreign cultural context, via a study and work abroad component of up to ten days in an overseas city and university.

Outline content:

The content, taught in an interactive way. Experiential learning is key in this module’s learning via its incorporation of a significant travel and study abroad element of up to ten working days. The content includes working in teams and conversational analysis, reflection and debates through contact hours (lectures and tutorials), team and individual work. Topics include international and responsible management, strategic analysis and the role of context and broader topics.


Global context:

The module deals with international issues in the specific subject, and utilises global case studies or speakers giving a global or overseas perspective. It contains a significant amount of days spent in an international context and locally working in teams and visiting organisations in this context. 

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

Interactive and experiential learning methods are involved in the teaching of this module. Team work and feedback enforce the learning occurring through the contact hours, and all builds toward students’ preparation for the final assessment. Multiple sources of feedback and assessment will enrich students’ learning and progression. Coursework based module.

Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Lectures 2 2 8
Project Supervision 6
Practicals classes and workshops 2
External visits 30
Work-based learning 20
Guided independent study:      
    Wider reading (directed) 2
    Peer assisted learning 5
    Preparation for presentations 5
    Completion of formative assessment tasks 3
    Carry-out research project 5
    Reflection 10
Total hours by term 2 2 96
Total hours for module 100

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage
Report 40
Oral assessment and presentation 30
Practical skills assessment 30

Summative assessment- Examinations:

The module is 100 percent based on coursework.

Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:

Coursework 1: CW 1 is practical skills assessment in teams where each student is part of one team. It is a group orally performed presentation which bears 30% weight in the overall module mark. It is assessed overseas while students are in their overseas study visit.

Coursework 2 and 3:

CW2 is a group powerpoint presentation of what has been orally presented (CW1). Students incorporate feedback from tutors and their peers after CW1 and develop and submit their final group presentation. This bears 30% weight in the overall module mark.

CW 3 is one team report (same teams as CW1) of up to 1000 words. This has 40 percent weight in the overall module’s mark which should summarize the approach of each team in their project and a reflective summary of each team’s learnings via CW1 and the study visit. One integrated mark.

Both CW 2 and 3 are due for submission electronically one week after CW 1 is set.

Formative assessment methods:

Peer related feedback and work is incorporated via a team wiki tool on Bboard where each student are expected to conduct and share research related to the context of the study visit, the organisations we visit and various cultural and business aspects. A bibliography is provided to assist orienting students to some readings but broader independent team and individual research are expected. Each student group is invited to discuss their draft group presentation plan and receive formative feedback in the day before and after CW1 to help develop skills building towards CW2 and 3.

Penalties for late submission:

Penalties for late submission on this module are in accordance with the University policy. Please refer to page 5 of the Postgraduate Guide to Assessment for further information:


Assessment requirements for a pass:

A weighted average mark of coursework of 50%.

Module of special significance for the degree Masters in Management (Management path).

Reassessment arrangements:

An individual essay of 3000 words (capped at 50 percent). A ten percent excess in the word count is permissible. Topics tbc by module convener.

Additional Costs (specified where applicable):

Cost Amount
1. Required Text Books

No required textbooks. 

All readings and referenced material are provided online via our UoR TALIS electronic online reading listing system and the TALIS and Blackboard interface. Also the University electronic databases are to be used for retrieving extra literature teams or students may need to complete their coursework. Therefore it is not required of students in this module to purchase any textbooks.

2. Printing and Binding

All marking is done online so students in this module shouldn’t have any extra costs for printing coursework.

However if students wish to print any documents at their own costs prior to travel or after their return from the study visit back to the UoR they should be informed that:

1. Students can bind their work for free in the ARC in HBS.

2. Multifunctional devices (MFD)?which can print, copy or scan are available on the?subject floors of the Library Building and on the Ground Floor of the URS Building. Send your printing from any PC and pick it up on any MFD across campus by logging in using your Campus Card.

Updated printing costs general information can be found via? 

3. Travel, Accommodation and Subsistence The total costs for this study visit abroad is covered by the programme budget of this MSc.?There is only one cost which students bear at their own expense as follows: Up to £400-450 per student is the estimated total cost for subsistence and local travel overseas which is not covered already in the budget (see above detail). All other costs (travel, accommodation, breakfast?and local travels and the farewell and welcome lunch dinner) are covered.


Last updated: 24 October 2019


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