
EN0SFS - Study for Success

EN0SFS-Study for Success

Module Provider: English Literature
Number of credits: 20 [10 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught: Autumn / Spring / Summer module
Non-modular pre-requisites:
Modules excluded:
Current from: 2019/0

Module Convenor: Dr Lucinda Becker


Type of module:

Summary module description:

This module will provide students with the much of the knowledge and experience, and many of the study skills needed to succeed in their chosen BA Programme. Taught through a combination of lectures, interactive workshops, independent group activities and seminars, it will provide students with the experience and knowledge to produce assignments at undergraduate level and to take a strategic approach to their time at university.


To support the learning challenges and assessment requirements that students will face throughout their degree.

By the end of this module, students will be:

  • Able to carry out research at undergraduate level.

  • Able to analyse material and articulate their ideas, in writing and orally.

  • Able to plan their written and oral output effectively.

  • Able to manage their study time productively.

  • Confident in the use of the university’s VLE and other learning technologies.

  • Familiar with groupwork and independent study techniques at university

Assessable learning outcomes:

  • The ability to produce an effective learning journal.

  • Familiarity with screencapture technology.

  • Presentation skills.

  • The ability to plan an assignment and reference it correctly.

Additional outcomes:

  • Academic decision making around study options.

  • Awareness of acceptable academic conduct.

  • A profile of study strengths and areas for continued improvement.

  • Understanding the range of opportunities available to undergraduates.

Outline content:

Study skills in HE, including technology enhanced learning practices.

Global context:

This module is especially suitable for students who have been studying outside the UK and wish to become familiar with the methods of teaching and learning in UK HE institutions during their first year at university.

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

The module will take students through a week by week programme of lectures, seminars, workshops and guided independent study tasks, over three terms.

Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Lectures 10 10
Seminars 4 6
Tutorials 10 10 4
Practicals classes and workshops 6 4
Guided independent study: 59 59 18
Total hours by term 89 89 22
Total hours for module 200

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage
Written assignment including essay 35
Oral assessment and presentation 30
Set exercise 35

Summative assessment- Examinations:

Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:

Written assignment: essay plan and bibliography, no more than 1,000 words. Week 7 of Autumn Term.

Set exercise: screencast. Week 10 of Autumn Term.

Presentation: Delivered and assessed in Week 11 of Spring Term.

Formative assessment methods:

Workshop activities will produce formative work that will be discussed in groups and also be the subject of feedback from the module convenor.


Penalties for late submission:
The Module Convener will apply the following penalties for work submitted late:

  • where the piece of work is submitted after the original deadline (or any formally agreed extension to the deadline): 10% of the total marks available for that piece of work will be deducted from the mark for each working day[1] (or part thereof) following the deadline up to a total of five working days;
  • where the piece of work is submitted more than five working days after the original deadline (or any formally agreed extension to the deadline): a mark of zero will be recorded.

  • The University policy statement on penalties for late submission can be found at:
    You are strongly advised to ensure that coursework is submitted by the relevant deadline. You should note that it is advisable to submit work in an unfinished state rather than to fail to submit any work.

    Assessment requirements for a pass:

    40% overall.

    Reassessment arrangements:

    Re-examination in August.

    Additional Costs (specified where applicable):

    Last updated: 19 August 2019


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