
CEM238 - Construction Cost Engineering

CEM238-Construction Cost Engineering

Module Provider: School of Construction Management and Engineering, School of Built Environment
Number of credits: 10 [5 ECTS credits]
Terms in which taught: Spring term module
Non-modular pre-requisites:
Co-requisites: CEM237 Basic Measurement Principles
Modules excluded:
Current from: 2019/0

Module Convenor: Dr Lawrence Mbugua


Type of module:

Summary module description:

The module builds on CEM237 Basic Measurement Principles and covers more advanced / complex aspects of quantification and measurement of construction work.


Buildings and related facilities are expensive to construct, maintain, refurbish and operate. Meeting these costs requires significant expenditure and investment by the developer, building owner or the occupier. It is therefore important that these costs are accurately estimated and budgeted for before construction work starts; controlled and planned for during construction as well as forecasted for the operational life of the building.

The aim is to equip the students with the skills and knowledge to estimate, plan, manage, control and engineer building costs across all stages of the development process: from financial feasibility appraisal, design, construction procurement, construction operations, commissioning, maintenance, refurbishment to demolition.

Assessable learning outcomes:

On completion of this module the student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the various principles, techniques and standard methods of measurement and the practices of quantification, definition and costing of construction works

  • Apply the understanding of how these are appropriately used at different stages of the construction process and in different circumstances

  • Understand the concepts of financial cost, price and value regarding construction and building development

  • Have an understanding of, and ability to apply the techniques of cost estimating, cost planning, cost management and cost control in construction development and operations

  • Be capable of analysing design alternatives, construction operations and programmes for cost effectiveness and value maximisation.

Additional outcomes:

Outline content:

  • Construction engineering cost factors: Techniques for mensuration, quantification, and definition of construction works.

  • Cost Management at project inception and design stage: Cost modelling and forecasting, approximate estimating, cost planning of design and cost control systems.

  • Design economics, value management and whole life costing: Time value of building and building component costs, micro-economics of building development ownership and occupation, obsolescence and deterioration of buildings, life cycle cost analysis and planning.

Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

The module will be delivered by lectures, tutorial discussions and the undertaking of practical tasks on cost management and cost engineering. Some lectures will be given by specialist experts in aspects of construction cost management.

Contact hours:
  Autumn Spring Summer
Lectures 24
Practicals classes and workshops 6
Guided independent study: 70
Total hours by term 100
Total hours for module 100

Summative Assessment Methods:
Method Percentage
Written assignment including essay 100

Summative assessment- Examinations:

Summative assessment- Coursework and in-class tests:

Formative assessment methods:

Penalties for late submission:
Penalties for late submission on this module are in accordance with the University policy. Please refer to page 5 of the Postgraduate Guide to Assessment for further information:

Assessment requirements for a pass:
A mark of 50% overall

Reassessment arrangements:
Students are required to contact the School to confirm reassessment arrangements.

Additional Costs (specified where applicable):
1) Required text books:
2) Specialist equipment or materials:
3) Specialist clothing, footwear or headgear:
4) Printing and binding:
5) Computers and devices with a particular specification:
6) Travel, accommodation and subsistence:

Last updated: 10 April 2019


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