
Synthesis of cost effective, high performance thermoelectric materials for green energy applications.

Thermoelectric is a promising green technology that enables direct conversion of waste heat into useful electrical power. Imagine, a car powered by its exhaust gas. This work aims to synthesize thermoelectric materials using low-cost scalable process that uses mechanical energy instead of heat.

Department: Chemistry

Supervised by: Deepa Bhatt

The Placement Project

Increasing energy consumption and diminishing fossil fuel stock require the development of efficient energy harvesting technologies. Thermoelectric is a promising technology which can convert waste heat into useful electrical power. However, challenges are still involved in achieving high performance at low cost. This research project seeks to explore new thermoelectric materials in which affordable costs are combined with high thermoelectric performance. Most materials that can conduct electricity, have a similar ability to conduct heat, like metals. However, to achieve high thermoelectric performance, a material should have high ability to conduct electricity (metal) combined with low ability to conduct heat (glass). By constructing a material using a lego building block approach, with two different components stacked in alternate layers, but still interconnected, just like two different coloured lego bricks arranged alternately, it is possible to achieve high thermoelectric performance. One layer promotes electrical conduction, while the other layer reduces the heat conduction. This class of materials, known as layered oxychalcogenides is an emerging family with a huge potential to become a high performing thermoelectric material. Main advantage includes low cost and available in abundance. However, they are not widely explored compared to other materials. This project will focus on synthesis of oxychalcogenides using mechanochemistry as a potential route for scaling up of the process. Further, structure and properties will be investigated to evaluate their thermoelectric performance. This research group has previous successful track record of synthesizing bismuth based oxychalcogenides.


The student will undertake various task starting from weighing accurately all the materials, mixing and grounding using mortar pestle to obtain fine powders. Student will mainly use ball milling process for synthesis of powders. Main advantage of this process is that, no heat is involved as material is synthesized using mechanical energy. However, student will also explore other process routes such as high temperature solid state synthesis and sintering to compare the results. Student will have an opportunity to use specialised techniques like working with air sensitive materials in a glove box and vacuum line sealing for ampoules/ glass tubes with powder samples. Further, he/she will have access to the Chemical Analysis Facility (CAF) for the characterisation of the powders. Student will be frequently using X-ray diffraction to identify the phase and purity of synthesized material and collect the data for further refinement using advanced software like TOPAS and GSAS. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) will be also used for thermal analysis and microstructure determination respectively. Student will be using consolidation techniques like cold and hot isostatic pressing to form a pellets and measure density using Archimede's balance. Thermoelectric properties of materials will be measured using the advanced facilities available within a solid-state chemistry group. At the start of the placement, student will be required to go through health and safety procedures to work in a lab environment. He/she will be required to fill in risk assessment and COSHH forms for all the equipment, techniques and chemicals used in the project. Within first 2 weeks, student will be trained on all the above-mentioned task for him/her to make an immediate start on synthesis of materials. Currently, research on p-type bismuth based oxychalcogenide is going on. Student will mainly focus on synthesising compatible n-type bismuth based oxychalcogenide. Student will meet PI twice a week and weekly with Co-PI to discuss the research progress and receive further guidance for the next steps. This placement will ensure that student receive hands on experience in working with various chemicals, synthesis, and characterisation techniques of In-organic materials. He/she will gain good understanding of solid-state chemistry and basic knowledge of semiconducting behaviour of materials. In addition to this exposer to research data analysis and management, information processing, and communication of scientific research through oral presentations and report writing will be gained.

Skills, knowledge and experience required

This placement is appropriate for the students with background in chemistry, physics, and material science. Students applying for this placement should have basic laboratory skills like using balances, following housekeeping and health and safety rules while working in the lab. Student should be capable to work with complex equipment and harmful chemicals. Should have basic chemistry knowledge such as using chemical equations and material balance calculations. Knowledge of A-level maths and basic IT skills like Microsoft office is mandatory.

Skills which will be developed during the placement

Student will gain both theoretical and experimental knowledge of thermoelectric materials, an advanced topic for a UG student. He/she will gain various skills used for material synthesis and characterisation techniques. These skills are transferable and would improve the chances of employability for the student. Student will also gain good experience in interpreting research data and producing a quality report with a guidance of PI and Co-I. Student will gain experience of working as a part of the team and in a multidisciplinary environment. Student will also have an opportunity to present research project at the Physical and Inorganic materials (PIM) section in the Department of Chemistry. This will gain him presentation and communication skills. With the possibility of publication, student will gain experience of writing a part or whole journal paper. The skills gained through this placement would improve his/her confidence level and potential employability.

Place of Work

Department of Chemistry, 104

Hours of Work

30 hrs per week

Approximate Start and End Dates (not fixed)

Monday 10 June 2024 - Saturday 27 July 2024

How to Apply

The deadline to apply for this project is 5pm on Friday 5th April 2024. To make an application, please go to the following link and complete the application form: To find this project in the application form, please filter ‘school of project applying to’ and select School of Chemistry, Food & Pharmacy

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