Reading Classicist Elected Fellow of the Pontifical Academy for Latin
Friday, 19 December 2014

Professor Peter Kruschwitz
Professor Peter Kruschwitz has been elected as Academicus Ordinarius of the Pontificia Academia Latinitatis. This accolade reflects Professor Kruschwitz's reputation as a leader in the field of Latin language, literature, and epigraphy.
The Pontificia Academia Latinitatis was founded in 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI to promote through its activities the knowledge and study of Latin language and literature (ancient, medieval, and modern). It consists of no more than 50 Ordinary Members (Academicians), who are appointed by the Vatican's Secretary of State.
Professor Kruschwitz said: "I am absolutely thrilled to have been elected to the Pontificial Academy for Latin, an organisation whose aims I admire and whose membership includes a great many colleagues whose work I profoundly admire. I cannot even begin to express how wonderful it is for me that they have found me worthy to join their ranks - it is a great honour indeed."
The Head of Classics, Professor Annalisa Marzano, said: "On the wake of the excellent REF results for the Department of Classics at Reading I am absolutely delighted by the announcement of Professor Kruschwitz's election to this prestigious Academy. It is a clear sign of the high esteem in which his scholarship is held internationally."