eNutri FFQ65+
Would you like to help test our online food and drink questionnaire, eNutri?
This is a COVID-safe study that you can complete from home. We are looking for volunteers aged 65 years and over to record their diet using two different online food and drink questionnaires on multiple occasions. The study will take place over two weeks and you will not need to make any changes to your diet.
We are looking for volunteers who are:
- Aged 65 years and over
- Able to spend approx. 40 minutes using their device (e.g., smartphone, tablet, computer)
- Have not been diagnosed with dementia
- Are not following a weight loss diet
- Eat at least 2 meals a day
Participants will receive a personalised nutrition summary about their diet to see how it compares to the national recommendations for those of a similar age and have a chance to win a Love-2-shop voucher which can be spent at many high street stores.
To find out more, please visit our eNutri study website or email us at enutri@reading.ac.uk