Food Law News - UK - 2009

FSA News Item, 30 July 2009

MEAT HYGIENE - Integrating the FSA and MHS

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has announced that planning for the formal merger of the FSA and its executive agency, the Meat Hygiene Service (MHS), will start soon, with the operational work of the MHS forming the core of a new FSA Operations Group.

Chief Executive of the FSA Tim Smith said: 'The FSA and MHS have been working for some considerable time to bring the two organisations closer together. Excellent progress has been made in modernising the frontline MHS operational services and its management structure, and also on integrating the FSA and MHS corporate service functions.

'Our next step is to plan for the formal merger of the two organisations and the creation of a new FSA Operations Group with the work of the MHS at its core.'

Formal processes need to be undertaken to begin the merger including further discussions with the FSA Board and agreement from Ministers and others. These will start soon and a more detailed timetable published later in the year. It is expected that the move to the new arrangements will start from April 2010, with a further year needed to fully complete the transition process.

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