
Dr David Jukes, The University of Reading, UK

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Food Law News - UK - 2024

FSA Local Authority Letter (PLGEN240350), 3 June 2024

OFFICIAL CONTROLS / IMPORTS - Letter to importers regarding foods that do not conform with UK food legislation

Summary: The Food Standard Agency (FSA) will be writing to importers of certain categories of products to remind them of their responsibility as Food Business Operators to ensure imported food placed on the UK market is compliant with relevant legislation.

Further to our letter of 23 February 2023, the FSA is aware of the ongoing challenges that local and port health authorities are facing due to imported food and drink products that are not formulated for the UK market, and do not comply with UK legislation.

Using HMRC data we have identified a list of importers of food and drink products that may fall into this category and will, on 4 June 2024, write directly to them, reminding them of their responsibility to ensure food that they import and place on the market is compliant with UK legislation.

It is important to note that we are writing to all importers of this kind of product, not just those where there is evidence of potential non-compliance. We are doing this as a preventative measure, targeted at the source of the problem, to reduce the number of non-compliant products being imported in the future. We hope that this will help ease the burden on local authorities.

There is no additional action required from local authorities relating to this letter, we are writing to you for awareness should a business in your area contact you with enquiries following receipt of our letter. Should you wish to, please feel free to forward the letter to importers to any relevant businesses within your authority.

The letter which will be sent to identified importers is attached as Annex 1.This is an area subject to further coordinated activities across ports and local authorities and we will keep updating you on developments.

FSA LA Letter: Letter to importers regarding foods that do not conform with UK food legislation

A copy of the letter, including Annex1, is available on this site (click on image).

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