What to discuss in your third year.
What to talk about in Term 1
What to talk about in Term 2
What to talk about in Term 3
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Reflection: Think about points from your last meeting, Part 2 and your summer vacation.
Talk about your Action Plan from last term and how well it worked.
Talk about other activities you did last year (for example, any work experience or volunteering) and what kinds of skills you have developed and how they could be useful in the workplace. How would you describe your achievements?
How are things going: Discuss your thoughts about your progress in Part 2 and how well prepared you are for the transition to Part 3. Talk about your expectations of the differences and what you’re looking forward to.
Talk about your module option choices and dissertation/project - talk about what you think will be challenging and what you’re excited to learn about.
Talk about how you’ll plan your work and meet the deadlines.
Discuss openly what you might need extra help with – and where you could find support. How is your revision technique coming along?
Looking ahead: Talk about career planning – where can you get help with this? Have you been in contact with the Careers Service? Have you attended any Careers Fairs?
You can ask your Academic Tutor to act as a referee so talk about your aspirations for future employment or further study. If you have a CV, even in draft form, discuss what it conveys about your experiences, your skills and your strengths. Is it clear how these could transfer into the workplace? What gaps need to be filled?
Next steps: Start working on your Action Plan for this year and what you have learned from your previous Action Plans.
Refer to your Action Plan from last term – check what you have done since – did you follow up? Have you started doing anything new like social activities, hobbies or experiences?
Think about the progress you made in Part 2 and note down what you think are your strengths and weaknesses that might affect your academic progress this year.
Revisit the Study Support page on Essentials.
Prepare a schedule of your assignment/placement deadlines – be realistic.
Keep a record of what other activities you did last year, and any work experience and skills you have gained, and anything else you did during the vacation.
Thinking about the experience and skills you have gained over the past couple of years. How will you describe this in your CV and job applications? Make contact with the Careers Service.
If you have put together a draft CV, take it along to your meeting.
Reflection: Discuss how your Action Plan is going. Did you complete it?
How things are going: How you’re enjoying your experience at Reading and what you’re doing to make the most of it.
Discuss your academic progress, and whether it is clear what your feedback is telling you. Can you see any patterns emerging? How can you act upon your feedback to make improvements? Noticing this and talking about it can lead to great success!
Talk about how you are managing your workload and if you think you are prioritising the right things to meet your assignment/dissertation/project deadlines. Be honest about this and talk through any challenges and strategies you could adopt to meet them.
Think about what kind of support would be useful and where you could seek advice.
Looking ahead: Talk about your current plans for future employment or further study – are you excited about finishing your course?
Look at your updated CV and discuss how well it describes how your experiences, skills and strengths. Does it show how they would be valuable and applicable to the type of roles you will apply for? What gaps need to be filled?
Does your Academic Tutor have enough information to be able to write a reference for you?
Next steps: Work on your Action Plan.
Refer to your Action Plan from last term – check what you have done since – did you follow up?
What other opportunities are available that you can take advantage of?
Identify any particular issues or things that you might find challenging (academic, personal, or professional).
Take another look at our programme of Life Tools talks.
Take along the feedback you have received on assignments/placements.
Think about your aspirations for future employment and/or further study, checking the Careers pages.
Prepare an updated version of your CV and take it with you.
Reflection: Discuss how your Action Plan has worked for you. Did you complete it?
How things are going: Discuss your academic progress, and whether it is clear what your feedback is telling you. Can you see any patterns emerging? Have you found ways to act upon your feedback to make improvements? Remember to speak openly about your feedback and marks, if you do you can learn a lot.
Talk about how you are preparing for final examinations, including revision plans and techniques, and special circumstances.
Think about what kind of support would be useful and where you can get advice.
Looking ahead: Talk about your plans for future employment or further study.
Discuss the latest version of your CV and be open to suggestions.
Check that your Academic Tutor has everything needed to write a reference for you.
Next steps: Reflect on your experiences, complete your Action Plan and think about creating one for your future plans!
Refer to your Action Plan from last term – check what you have done since – did you follow up?
Think about how you are planning for final exams – do you have any concerns?
Take along the feedback you have received on assignments/placements - keep an open mind and be ready to make positive changes.
Think about your aspirations for future employment and/or further study.
Check Careers and prepare a final version of your CV and take it with you.