What to talk about in your second year of university.
What to talk about in Term 1
What to talk about in Term 2
What to talk about in Term 3
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Reflection: Talk about your Action Plan from last term and how it worked for you.
Discuss any other activities you did last year (for example, any work experience or volunteering) and what kinds of skills you have developed and how they could be useful in the workplace.
How things are going: Discuss your thoughts about your progress in Part 1 and how well prepared you are for the transition to Part 2. What were the highlights for you last year? Share your hopes, ambitions and concerns for this coming year.
Talk about how you’ll plan your work and meet the deadlines.
Discuss what you might need extra help with – and where you could find support.
Looking ahead: Discuss ideas for your Dissertation and be proactive in seeking feedback.
Talk about any ideas you have about future career planning – where can you get help with these ideas?
Other opportunities: Discuss what you’re doing alongside studying such as societies, volunteering, part-time work, caring for family and friends. Consider how you’re building collaborative relationships.
Discuss what skills you’re gaining from these activities. Think about whether you should continue with these or start something new. Talk about how you can prioritise what you enjoy and what will be useful to you in the future.
Next steps: Work on Part 2’s Action Plan. Take all the ideas you are coming up with and work out how you can put them into practice.
Refer to your Action Plan from last term – check what you have done since – did you follow up?
What are you excited about this year? Participating in more social activity? A module you are really looking forward to? Volunteering or gaining other experience?
Think about the progress you made in Part 1 and note down what you think are your strengths and weaknesses that might affect your academic progress this year.
Revisit the Study Support page on Essentials.
Prepare a schedule of your assignment/placement deadlines.
Keep a record of what other activities you did last year, and any work experience and skills you have gained.
Take a look at the Careers website to see what’s available to support your career planning.
Reflection: How you got on with completing your Action Plan.
How things are going: Discuss your academic progress, and whether it is clear what your feedback is telling you. Can you see any patterns emerging? Talk openly and realistically about how you can act upon your feedback to make improvements.
Talk about your Dissertation proposal and what you are looking forward to learning.
Think about what kind of support would be useful.
Looking ahead: Talk about any ideas you have about future career planning – where can you get help with these ideas?
Discuss your ideas for the summer and career skills/work experience/holidays.
Consider how you can balance the things you would like to do and how you can get the most benefit from your plans.
Next steps: Work on your Action Plan points so far.
Refer to your Action Plan from last term – check what you have done since – did you follow up?
Identify any particular issues or things that you might find challenging (academic, personal, or professional).
Take another look at our programme of Life Tools talks.
Review recent feedback on your work and pick out any themes or topics you'd like to discuss.
Think about plans for the summer and for your future career.
Have a look at the Careers webpages.
Reflection: How you found following up on your meeting(s) and acting on your Action Plan.
How are things going: Be open about your academic progress, and whether it is clear what your feedback is telling you. Can you see any patterns emerging? Talk about how you can act upon your feedback to make improvements.
Talk about what you’ve enjoyed this term, and what plans you have for Part 3.
Think about what kind of support would be useful and where you can find it.
Looking ahead: Discuss how you are preparing for exams. Do you need to find some information on revision technique? Be honest with yourself and your tutor about how you are working towards this important milestone.
Discuss planning for Part 3 options.
Next steps: Work on your Action Plan for Part 3.
Refer to your Action Plan from last term – check what you have done since – did you follow up?
Think about your Part 3 module option choices, placement(s) and project/dissertation topic (as appropriate).
Identify assignment(s)/placement(s) to take the feedback along to your meeting where you can make the most of the advice your Academic Tutor can give you.
Check the Careers webpages to get inspired and motivated.