What you should discuss with your Academic Tutor in your first year.
What to talk about in Term 1
What to talk about in Term 2
What to talk about in Term 3
What to talk about in Welcome Week
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How are things going: What you are enjoying about being here at Reading. How you are adapting to the style of teaching, lectures / seminars / practicals, coursework, workload, studying independently, or living away from home. Think about what is easier to adapt to and what is more difficult. What assignments you have.
Feedback: Share and talk about your feedback from lecturers or other students on your course. It’s important to be honest in your discussion to get the most support you can and be constructive. How your feedback can help you study and keep improving for your next assignment.
Other opportunities: What other opportunities you can access to enhance your student experience and gain some personal or professional skills.
Next steps: Plan and reflect. Think about how you approached discussing your feedback and how it can help you. Make a note of action points you can work on to create an Action Plan. You can use our meeting template as a guide.
Think about your life at Reading – how well you are doing, what are you enjoying and what could you enjoy more?
If you have one, take a list of your assignment deadlines and prepare to discuss time-management and prioritisation.
Review recent feedback on your work and pick out any themes or topics you'd like to discuss, take a step back and think about what you’re doing to help yourself get better at understanding your feedback.
Have a look at our programme of Life Tools talks.
Take a look on Essentials at the Study Support page.
Take a look at the Careers webpages and see what’s available.
Reflection: How you found following up on your meeting(s) and put your Action Plan into practice. Think about what you are getting out of and enjoying about your studies.
How things are going: What your experience of your course has been so far compared to your expectations. What Reading has offered you so far in terms of fun, excitement and opportunity.
How you are managing to keep up with lectures/seminars/practicals. How you’re making sure you’re enjoying them and learning about what you love.
How you are getting on with independent study and any issues such as deadlines, time management, exam preparation or presentations.
Feedback: Share and talk openly about your feedback from lecturers or other students on your course. How your feedback can help you study more effectively and keep improving for your next assignment.
Other opportunities: What you are doing alongside studying to enhance your experience and gain new skills. Think about societies, volunteering, part-time work, caring for family and friends.
Looking ahead: Talk about any ideas for the summer and career skills/work experience/holidays.
Next steps: Work on your Action Plan points for next term. Think about how you are responding to feedback on your course and what strengths and weaknesses you are discovering.
Refer to your Action Plan from last term – check what you have done since – did you follow up?
Have a look at our programme of Life Tools talks.
If you’ve received any feedback on your work take it with you.
Take a look on Essentials at the Study Support page.
Think about possible placements or work experience or year abroad. What options does Reading provide for you?
Have a look at the Careers webpages.
Reflection: How you found following up on your meeting(s) and put your Action Plan into practice.
How things are going: Talk honestly about your progress over the year, and discuss feedback, marks or exam results. Describe your achievements and how you are developing your personal strengths. Think about how you can really take advantage of your feedback, experiences and university life.
Discuss your module option choices, if you have them, for Part 2.
Looking ahead: Talk about plans for the summer and career skills/work experience/holidays.
Other opportunities: What you are doing alongside studying to enhance your experience and gain new skills. Think about societies, volunteering, part-time work, caring for family and friends.
What skills you are gaining from these activities, what you’re giving back and how you can continue to develop other skills.
Next steps: Work on your Action Plan action points for next term.
Refer to your Action Plan from last term – check what you have done since – did you follow up?
Think about your progress and your Part 2 module option choices if you have them.
Identify any particular issues or things that you might find challenging (academic, personal, or professional).
Check the Study Support page on Essentials.
Take another look at our programme of Life Tools talks.
Pick out any themes or topics from feedback you’ve got on your work.
Think about plans for placements or work experience or year abroad.
Have a look at the Careers webpages.
Introduction to your Academic Tutor:
What is Academic Tutoring? Why do I have an Academic Tutor?
Meet your Academic Tutor and tell them about you. You could talk about…
You can find more support on Life Tools.
Find out who your Academic Tutor is – have a look on RISIS.
Take a look at the Student Charter.
Look at the Essentials pages on the Academic Tutor System including the Frequently Asked Questions, and view the video-clip ‘Our Academic Tutor System’.
Review the information about Academic Tutors on Study Smart.
Have a look at our programme of Life Tools talks.
Think about the opportunities you can get involved in.