Enhance your degree and University experience by participating in the many extracurricular opportunities available to students at Reading by using our handy timeline!
The Opportunities Timeline presents all opportunities in one place with a guide to the starting and opening times to help you plan your year. It has been categorised by Undergraduates and Postgraduates and then further categorised to what opportunities are available to you in which year/month.
It doesn't matter whether you decide to volunteer for a couple of hours for a cause you support or work part-time to be able to pay your bills. Inevitably, these activities will give you valuable knowledge, skills and experiences that will help you to develop a rounded personality, push you to step out of your comfort zone and will allow you to try something new.
What you learn on the job will certainly be of use to you in the wider sense at university, and later in life. Gain experience and maximise your employability by developing skills in addition to those you develop through your studies.
Many activities can contribute to your RED Award. Collect experience and volunteering hours in the community towards your accreditation.