Your student loan may only support part of your living costs while at University. It’s important that you use your loan funds wisely and budget to ensure you aren’t caught out with unexpected expenses. Some student will have a lower family income and less support mechanisms. Fortunately there are extra sources of financial support available in the form of scholarships, bursaries, and grants.
Some funding pots are open to all students and some awards may only be eligible to applicants for a specific course or subject, or based on certain personal circumstances (e.g. household income, disability, place of residence).
There’s extra money for students waiting to be scooped up, for a wide range of reasons, circumstances, and criteria be sure to check the details before applying
The student financial team can support you with any funding or application enquiries.
Some funding pots are open to all students and some awards may only be eligible to applicants for a specific course or subject, or based on certain personal circumstances (e.g. household income, disability, place of residence).
There’s extra money for students waiting to be scooped up, for a wide range of reasons, circumstances, and criteria be sure to check the details before applying
The student financial team can support you with any funding or application enquiries.