Find a place to worship
- Nearby churches for a diverse range of Christian denominations
- Nearby places of worship, including Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh establishments
- UCCF (Universities and Colleagues Christian Union)
- FOSIS (Federation of Student Islamic Societies)
- SCM (Student Christian Movement)
- Christian in Sport
- British Organization of Sikh Students
- National Hindu Student Forum
- Union of Jewish Students
- Progressive Jewish Students
- The Pagan Federation
Religious and Spiritual
LGBTQI and Faith
- Quest (Pastoral Support or LGBT Catholics)
- Hidayah (LGBTQI+ Muslims)
- Imaan (LGBTQ Muslims
- London Queer Muslims (LGBTQI+ Sufi)
- KeshetUK (LGTB+ Jewish)
- Jewish LGBT+ Group
- Gay Buddhist Fellowship
- Gay & Lesbian Vaishnava Association
- Sarbat (LGBT Sikhs)
- The Wellhead (Gay Pagans)
- OneBodyOneFaith (formerly Lesbian and Gay Christians)
- Oxford Diocese LGBTI+ chaplaincy
More information
- Calendar of religious festivals and holidays
- The Shap Working Party also produces a calendar of religious festivals and holidays