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Evaluation and Impact

This site is designed to help you with evaluation, whether you are new to it or looking for ways to build on an existing evaluation. If you click through each tab, it will guide you through the key points of planning and running an evaluation.

Introduction to evaluation

Why evaluate?

It is important to evaluate the impact of our teaching, learning and student support activities consistently and systemically in order to:

  • identify, share and build on good practice across the institution
  • use resources effectively to maximise the benefit for both students and staff, particularly under-represented students
  • confidently report the impact of our work to key stakeholders and within quality assurance and enhancement processes
  • meet our obligations to the Office for Students with regard to our Access and Participation Plan.

Evaluation skills can also help you in your professional career, both in being able to generate strong evidence and then improving your practice based on that evidence. Being able to confidently demonstrate the impact of your work can also help in applications for awards and funding.

Resource Bank

Introduction to the resource bank

We have designed the resource bank to guide you through each step of doing your evaluation. If there are other resources you need, please see the Support for Evaluation Guide for who to contact.