Table 1. Disorder prediction results – AUC scores for different methods are compared.
The predictions from the DISOclust server are compared with those obtained from an in-house version of DISOPRED.
The DISOclust_server is a fully automated method that compares models obtained from the nFOLD3 server.
The DISOclust_manual method uses models obtained from all of the CASP8 servers.
AUC, Area Under Curve (see ROC plots below); SE, Standard Error in AUC score;
AUC(0-0.1), partial area under curve between 0-0.1 false positives; %Improvement, AUC improvement over DISOPRED alone
Disordered residues are defined as those with missing coordinates in the PDB file.

Method AUC SE AUC (0-0.1) AUC-SE AUC+SE % Improvement

DISOclust_server 0.8771 0.0051 0.0529 0.8720 0.8823 4.1

DISOclust_manual 0.8759 0.0052 0.0538 0.8708 0.8811 3.98

DISOPRED 0.8361 0.0055 0.0493 0.8306 0.8416 -

Figure 1. ROC plot – partial plot, low false positive rate

Figure 2. ROC plot – full plot