Dr Giuseppe Nocella

+44 (0) 118 378 8904
Associate Professor
- Programme Director MSc Food Economics and Marketing
- Module convenor for Consumer Attitudes, Consumer Policy, Food Policy, Regulation of the Food Industry
- Sessional Lecturer for Research methods and Data analysis
Areas of interest
My research interests focus on contemporary issues of the agro-food sector in relation to topics regarding obesity, organic production, food safety, farm animal welfare and recently functional foods and nutrigenomics. In particular, I work on micro-economic themes related to the behaviour of economic agents where I combine theories and methodologies pertaining to social psychology (social cognitive models) and microeconomics (consumer demand and stated choice methods) to bridge the gap between economics and psychology. Prospective PhD students matching my research interests and interested in being supervised are welcome to contact me at my email address.Postgraduate supervision
Since I joined the Applied Economics and Marketing department in the School of Agriculture, Policy and Development, I have supervised 4 students to completion:
- Suwanna Sayruamyat - Eating disorders: Impact of personality traits and attitudes on loss/gain weight goals (with Prof Nikos Georgantzis);
- Suva K Mohanty - Consumer preference and buying behaviour of traditional aromatic rice in Odisha (with Prof Richard Bennett and Prof Kelvin).
- Patrick Kalunda - Assessment of the adoption of improved technologies and impact of agricultural research innovation systems on rural livelihoods in Uganda: A case of improved cassava varieties (with Prof Peter Dorward).
- Junjie Wu - The role of risk communication during a food safety incident: consumers' psychological reactions and their impacts on purchasing behaviour.
I am currently supervising the following students:
- Nur Hafizah Muhammad - Pro-environmental behaviour impact on consumer choices of Innovative sustainable food packaging (with Nick Beard)
- Jose Vicente Guinot Saporta - Combined personality features in populations: Agent-Based approach to the trust game (with Prof Nikos Georgantzis)
- Neia Gagliardi - Understanding farmers' behaviour towards the adoption of organic agricultural methods: factors influencing willingness to accept a more sustainable agriculture (with Dr Sarah Cardey and Dr Susanne Padel).
- Akbar Karim - Do consumer values influence choices of sustainable food products? (with Dr Anna Macready).