Dr Daniele Asioli

+44 (0) 118 378 5426
Associate Professor
Program Director: BSc Food Business and Marketing (FBM)
Academic organizer of PhD Conference
Areas of interest
- Agrifood Marketing
- Applied Multivariate Statistics
- Behavioural and Experimental Economics
- Blockchain Technology in the Agrifood Chain
- Plant and Lab-based Food Products
- Clean Labels
- Consumer Behaviour
- Emerging Food Issues and Novel Food Products
- Food Loss and Waste
- Individual Differences
- New Agrifood Technologies
- New Food Product Development
- Personal Nutrition
Postgraduate supervision
Current Doctoral Students:
Aniket Gawai: On the benefits and costs of Blockchain adoption in Agri-food supply chains: An exploratory study on stakeholders' perception and consumers' choice of blockchain-enabled shrimp supply chain in India
Dharmendra Pothuri: Understanding Consumer perception and acceptance of Clean meat and other alternate proteins in East African market
Maxwell Dzudzor: Cocoa Intensification and Land-use Change: Evidence from the Upper Guinea Forest Ecological Zone
Opeyemi Ilori: Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Intention Among Poultry Farmers in Southwest Nigeria
I welcome enquiries and applications from prospective PhD students who are interested in working on the area of research listed above.
Module convenor for:
- The Food Business - AP1EF2
- Contemporary Issues in Consumer Behaviour and Marketing - AD3CIC
Module co-convenor for:
- Research Methods and Data Analysis - AP2EQ5
Research projects
Current projects:
- FISH-BLOCKCHAIN: Blockchain Technology Adoption in the Fishery Supply Chain.
- CONSUMERCHECK: New Practical Methods for Investigating Consumer Preferences in Food Studies.
- CLEANLABEL: Consumer Preferences and Industry Implications.
- DAIRYSUS: Consumer Valuation for Low - Carbon Emission and Low – Saturated Fat Butter.
- FOOD WASTE and LOSS - Consumer Behaviour for Food Waste and Upcycled Foods.
- HEALTH-SNAP: Healthy Eating by Freshly Made Personalized Snacks.
- HI-FI BREAD: Increasing UK Dietary Fibre. The Case for the Great White British Loaf.
- CULTUREDMEAT: Consumer Valuation for Cultured Meat.
- MILDSUSFRUIT: Innovative Mild Processing Tailored to Ensure Sustainable and High-Quality Organic Fruit Products.
- PLANT-BASED EGG: Consumer Valuation for Plant-based Eggs.
- VERTICALFARM: Consumer Valuation for Vertical Farmed Lettuce.
- VITAMIN D EGGS: Consumer Valuation for Vitamin D fortified Eggs.
- PhD Agri-Food Economics and Policy - University of Bologna, Italy, 2009
- MSc Food Science and Technology - University of Bologna, Italy, 2002
- BSc Food Science and Technology - University of Bologna, Italy, 2002
Previous Academic Positions:
- Lecturer in Consumer Studies - University of Reading, United Kingdom, 2018 - 2021
- Visiting Lecturer - IAMZ CIHEAM, Spain, 2022
- Visiting Lecturer - Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam, 2020
- Visiting Lecturer - Norwegian University of Life Science, Norway, 2018 - 2019
- Visiting Researcher - Nofima AS, Norway, 2018 - 2019
- Visiting Scholar - University of Arkansas, United States, 2017
- Marie Curie Fellow - Nofima AS, Norway, 2013 - 2017
- Post Doc - Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy, 2012
- Post Doc - University of Bologna, Italy, 2009 - 2011
- Visiting Scholar - University of Guelph, Canada, 2008