Object number
This set of team bells, also called 'rumblers' by the donor and elsewhere known as 'crotal bells', were used on a farm in Sussex by a family who originally came from Dorset. There are three bells on this set, which were generally used on heavy horses pulling wagons, in order to give audible warning of the approach of the wagon. The initials 'E S' are inscribed on the base of the bells.
Physical description
1 set of team bells: metal; leather
Label Text
10. Team bells. Attaching bells to the harness of a working horse originally served a very practical purpose because a horse team pulling a cart or wagon along a narrow winding lane would be warned in good time of the approach of another team so that arrangements could be made to pull over to one side at the next available opportunity. The leading horse in a team might wear a set of bells like this attached to the harness on the collar. In more recent times, team bells have featured prominently on ornamental sets of horse harness. These particular bells have a ball rolling around inside them to make the sound and are often known as rumbler bells. They date from the nineteenth century and were used on a farm at Findon in West Sussex. See Horse Bells, edited by Terry Keegan and published by the National Horse Brass Society, 1981. 55/744.
Archival history
MERL ‘Associated information’ form – 'Owner obtained bells from a Sussex farm tenanted by a Dorset family. // [pencil sketch] // See letter of 25.10.55 regarding owners efforts to renew leather etc.', Letter, R. E. Porter to J. Higgs, 28th September 1955 - 'For a long time I have had in my possession a set of "rumbler" bells which you doubtless know were used on the heavy horses which hauled the wagons in times past. I understand the bells were used to give audible warning of the approach of such wagons. My set came from a farm in Sussex which had been for several generations tenanted by a family which originated in Dorset. I believe such bells were made at two places in that County and I have seen specimens in the museum at Salisbury and also in the one at Devizes. I shall be happy to give you my bells if you feel you would like them and on hearing from you, I can have them packed up and sent to Reading.'
Production place
York, York
Production date
1685-01-01 - 1760-12-31
Object name
Associated subject
External document
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\60 series negatives\60_1227.tif - High resolution image
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\60 series negatives\60_8348.tif - High resolution image