Vitaliy Khutoryanskiy, Professor (of Formulation Science)
I am ethnically Russian, and I was born and grew up in Kazakhstan, which was one of the republics of Soviet Union before 1991. Since I was a teenager, I dreamed of becoming a scientist. I received my BSc and MSc degrees in chemistry from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, then I continued to do a PhD in the same institution, specialising in the chemistry of polymers. During my doctoral studies I was fortunate to receive funding that supported my 4-month internship at the Technical University of Lodz in Poland, where my research was related to biomedical application of polymers and biomaterials. This internship was an eye opener and substantially influenced my future research and teaching interests.
In 2002 I moved to the UK to work as a postdoctoral research assistant first at the University of Strathclyde, then in 2004 at the University of Manchester. I then joined the University of Reading in 2005 as a Lecturer of Pharmaceutics in the Department of Pharmacy and progressed my academic career to a full professorship in less than 10 years. Since the very beginning of my time at the University of Reading, I had a fantastic mentor who supported me with my development as an academic.