This is a whey ladle used for dipping whey from the vat. This example is a long handled ladle made of tinned metal. The handle is triangular in cross section and is rivetted to the bowl which is wider at the top than the bottom but has straight sides and a flat base. This item was donated as part of a collection of dairy related objects from the University of Reading Department of Food Science.
Fysisk beskrivning
1 whey ladle: metal (tinned); good condition
<DIV STYLE="text-align:Justify;font-family:Georgia;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:16;color:#000000;"><P><SPAN><SPAN>4. <B>Whey ladle</B><P>Once the milk had coagulated the liquid whey was removed leaving behind just the curds. Nowadays this by-product of cheese making is often concentrated and dried for use in the production of other foodstuffs. In the past, however, whey was a valued drink of both farm workers and townspeople whilst also being an important source of food for the dairy farm's pigs. The ladle pictured was used for removing whey from cheese making vats in the Dairy Unit of Reading University's Department of Food Science.<P>74/90</SPAN></SPAN></P></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Justify;font-family:Georgia;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:16;color:#000000;"><P><SPAN><SPAN>2. <B>Whey ladle</B><P>Once the milk had coagulated the liquid whey was removed leaving behind just the curds. Nowadays this by-product of cheese making is often concentrated and dried for use in the production of other foodstuffs. In the past, however, whey was a valued drink of both farm workers and townspeople whilst also being an important source of food for the dairy farm's pigs. The ladle pictured was used for removing whey from cheese making vats in the Dairy Unit of Reading University's Department of Food Science.<P>74/90</SPAN></SPAN></P></DIV>
MERL ‘History Artefacts’ card – ‘Whey dipper // Tinned metal// University of Reading Department of Food Science // Description: A long handled ladle made of tinned metal. The handle is triangular in cross section and is rivetted to the bowl which is wider at the top than the bottom but has straight sides and a flat base. Use: For dipping whey from the vat.’
Digital referens
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\60 series negatives\60_12187.tif - High resolution image