Horse brasses were fastened to various parts of the horse’s harness, and a horse could wear up to three hundred at a time. The brass on this face piece, which would hang from the bridle between the blinkers, is circular and heavily perforated, with a small six-pointed star in the centre. There is also a brass plate in the leather strap.
Fysisk beskrivning
1 face piece: metal [brass] and leather; good condition
MERL 'Catalogue index' card – 'The brass on this face piece is circular and heavily perforated. It has a small 6-pointed star in the centre. A brass plate is set above the brass. // the leather measures 13.5 inches. // See also 51/280.', No Lavinia Smith No. recorded.
Digital referens
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\35 series negatives\Scans\35_323.tif - High resolution image