Номер объекта
This plough was made by Turk and Son, of Newbury. It has a wooden beam, 2 wheels, and symmetrical handles. Turk and Son was a firm of iron and brass founders in Cheap Street, Newbury, at least from the late nineteenth century until after the First World War. It is made from Turkish wood.
Физическое описание
1 plough: wood; iron; good condition
Архивная история
Letter, Librarian (Newbury Public Library) to C. D. Rumble, 24th August 1950 - 'I am sorry for the delay in answering your letter, but have been trying to collect information about Turk and Son, iron and brass founders, of Newbury. // The business was carried on at 55, Cheap Street, and was flourishing during the 1890's. After then 1914-18 war the business was sold, and the premises are now Messrs. Povey and Wade's music shop. I have been unable to contact the last member of the family... // There seem to be no catalogues in existence, but local ironmongers state that the Turk plough was popular about 50 or 60 years ago, which is probably the period of the M. A. 6. After the business was broken up, castings continued to be made by Messrs Plenty, of Newbury, a firm of ironmongers and marine boiler makers who are still in business...'
Место изготовления
1890 - 1918
- Length 3450 mm
- Length 900 mm
Внешняя ссылка
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\60 series negatives\60_453.tif - High resolution image