This is a medal from the Berkshire Egg Laying Trials, 1928–1929, 1929–1930 and 1930–1931. The trials were held at the Trial Grounds on Wokingham Road in Hurst, Berkshire.
Fysieke kenmerken
1 medal in case: metal, leather, fabric
<div style="text-align:Justify;font-family:Georgia;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:16;color:#000000;"><p><span><span>Medal from Egg Laying Trials, 1928-1931 </span></span></p><p><span><span>This is a medal from the Berkshire Egg Laying Trials, which took place at the Trial Grounds on Wokingham Road in Hurst, Berkshire. Trials monitor the number and quality of eggs laid by birds over a year. The trials were an independent test of a breeder’s stock. Birds producing over 200 first grade eggs qualified for a mark of distinction—a National Poultry Council’s copper ring. </span></span></p><p><span><span>MERL 59/467</span></span></p></div>
MERL miscellaneous note – 'From [...] Crowthorne, Berks // Berkshire Egg Laying Trials, 1928–1929, 1929–1930, 1930–1931. Trial Grounds Wokingham Road, Hurst, Berks.
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- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\60 series negatives\60_10585.tif - High resolution image