This firmer gouge was used for hollowing work and cutting grooves. The blade has the words 'Penton & --- cast steel' imprinted on it and the inner side of the blade, which is out-cannelled (the grinding bevel is on the outside), is made of a different metal from the rest. It was used at R. Middleton & Sons' wheelwrights workshop in Eddington, Hungerford.
Fysieke kenmerken
1 gouge: metal blade [out-cannel]; wooden octagonal handle [split and worn]
MERL 'Catalogue index' card – 'This gouge was used in the Middletons’ wheelwrights’ shop at Hungerford (Berks). It is a firmer gouge, with a fairly pointed tip to the blade which measures 1 inch across. The blade has the words Penton & --- cast steel imprinted on it. The steel is wrapped round and welded onto the handle. The inner side of the blade is of a different metal to the rest. // The handle is octagonal and the end is slightly split and worn by the blows of a mallet. // The blade is 9.25 inches and the handle 5 inches in length. Outcannelled. // See also 51/111M.'
1825-01-01 - 1874-12-31
Vervaardiging periode
Mid-nineteenth century