This firmer gouge was used for general hollowing work at R. Middleton & Sons' wheelwrights workshop in Eddington, Hungerford. The blade is out-cannelled, meaning the grinding bevel is on the outside, and the tip is slightly curved. The name of the maker, 'W. Gilpin' is imprinted on the blade.
Fysieke kenmerken
1 gouge: steel blade [out-cannel]; wooden handle
MERL 'Catalogue index' card – 'This gouge was used in the Middletons’ wheelwrights’ shop at Hungerford (Berks.). // It is a firmer gouge with the tip of the blade curved. The name of the maker, W. Gilpin is imprinted on the inner side of the blade. The blade is welded onto the handle, which is set at a slight angle to the blade. The handle is made so that it juts out slightly about 1 inch from the end. // The blade is 1 inch across, 7.75 inches long and the handle is 4 inches long. // See also 51/111M. // Outcannelled.'
Vervaardiging plaats
Wedges Mill
1825-01-01 - 1874-12-31
Vervaardiging periode
Mid-nineteenth century