This is a brewing tap used in home brewing, and was driven into the side of a barrel of beer. It is made of wood and is in two parts – the main hollow tap with an opening at each end, and an oblong of wood with a screw end. Nothing else is known about it.
Fysieke kenmerken
1 barrel tap; wood; good condition
MERL 'Catalogue index' card – 'This is a brewing tap or FAUCET used in home brewing. It was driven into the side of a barrel of beer, replacing the bung which had stopped up the barrel of newly brewed beer until it was ready for drinking. The narrow end of the tap was driven into the bung hole by sharp blows from the barrel tapper (51/702L). Barrel taps were normally made of wood, but some very old ones were made of brass. // The origin of this tap is unknown. It is made entirely of wood and is in two parts; the main hollow tap with an opening at each end and one at the side; and an oblong of wood with a screw en, which screws into the end of the main tap, furthest away from the barrel. The hole through which the beer flows out is underneath the tap and when the screw part is fitted into the main tap, access to this hole is blocked up. The main part measures 9 inches in length and varies in diameter between 1.35 and 2.65 inches. The screw is 8 inches long and the two parts measure 13.5 inches when put together. The tap is turned, with the cross section cut by hand.', No Lavinia Smith No. recorded.
Elektronisch document
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\35 series negatives\Scans\35_459.tif - High resolution image