This horseshoe, which is built up underneath, was probably used to help a horse with an injured leg; the shoe would have been put onto the sound leg, with the horse thus encouraged to bring the bad leg into use. It was more likely used for a riding horse, rather than a farm horse.
Fysieke kenmerken
1 horse shoe
MERL 'Catalogue index' card – ‘… // DATE ACQUIRED: // GROUP: // NEGATIVE: // PERIOD: // PLACE OF ORIGIN: // NUMBER: // DESCRIPTION: …‘ It is aprox. the right size, weight and shape for horse shoes between 1100 and 1550. It would be a shoe from an ordinary horse, not a farm horse. As a general rule a large shoe is more modern than a smaller one - selective breeding for weight carrying or speed started very early. We have evidence that oxen were even shod with a single, the cloven hoof was usually shod with two pieces so that the natyral movement of the hoof was retained. //
1800-01-01 - 1849-12-31
Vervaardiging periode
Nineteenth century, first half